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Sunday, June 04, 2017

Jim Ireton Seeking Government Dole....Again?

By Thornton Crowe

Some professional candidates just don't know when to call it a day...

Through many sources it has come to our attention former Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton is planning to run for the Wicomico County Clerk of the Court position next November when Mark Bowen retires from the position he's held for several years.

It's troubling Ireton, once again, feels the need to continually run for elected offices in this area when he doesn't do a good job once elected. Look at his tenure as Mayor where he made many promises but none were kept adequately.

The big unkept promises were as glaring as a bright red neon light. First, he promised to clean up the Wicomico River around the downtown area but you still cannot stick your toe in much less swim in the pollution infested waters. Second, there's the sewage plant Salisbury residents paid a hefty multi-million dollar price but has never worked correctly.

His reputation well-known throughout the Shore

Furthermore, no one can forget his failed run against a missing-in-action candidate during the Congressional primaries to challenge Dr. Andy Harris, which ended in a disastrous poor showing at the polls. Also, keep in mind, this primary run was after stepping down from his newly elected council position in order to run his failed campaign. Thus, proving Ireton's past is history even folks in Easton have heard about.

Don't forget, folks, it was Ireton who urinated in a ladies' bathroom sink at MoJo's in front of three female patrons. Additionally, his situation in Rehoboth with beach parties which had behavior unbecoming of a mayor for one of Delmarva's largest town.

This kind of infamy is not desirable for such an important county position where the clerk must work with law enforcement, judicial courts and county executive on a daily basis.

Learn from the past so it's not recreated in the future

Judging from his past personal faux pas, bad judgement calls and non-existent legislative achievement record, to say he would be a competent Clerk of the Court is a gross overstatement of his abilities and completely ignoring his past. It is most assured he could never serve our community with the same dignity and integrity we're use to with Mr. Bowen (and we deserve.)

Let's hope someone will challenge him should he actually run for this position because we wouldn't want the same fiasco like the city mayor position which ran unopposed and ending in a subpar nightmare.

Mr. Bowen has served us well and will be missed when he retires in November after the election. We can only hope we find someone with his caliber of professionalism befitting the office. Unfortunately, for Ireton, he doesn't come close to fitting that tall order in any manner.



  2. I sure hope someone else runs for the office!!

  3. Joe, can you keep us updated on this position and if you know people have decided to run for the position. I am not really interested in running, but will if it looks like Ireton will run unopposed. I do not think that will happen, but we need to make sure it does not happen.

  4. He pledged to clean the wicomico river and make it SAFE for kids to swim in.... not so much!!

  5. Wow not to minimize the Clerk's position but let's see House of Representatives to Clerk. thought the Clerk of courts requires a person of integrity

  6. He and Hillary cut from the same cloth!!!

  7. What's really unbelievable is that people actually vote for him!

  8. Bowen, a man of integrity? Really? Hahaha Anyone that has worked for this man knows he's got no backbone. The trolls he put in charge run that office!

  9. Given the fact that Mr. Crowe is gifted in the area of politics , I would certainly vote for Thornton Crowe.

  10. 951 you trigger easy. What's the method of your madness? Just how much backbone do you need to be Clerk of the Court? Please do share. Don't just quip and run. Give us examples.

  11. With all these runs for this office and that, how does he have time to teach your kids at his supposed day job? Ireton is a f-up why would anyone vote for him to be anything anymore? Hasn't Salisbury and Wicomico had enough of this twit?

  12. No one likes Ireton. He's fake. He has never given anything to anyone without a kickback for himself. No. He won't be anything else in Salisbury except for town jester.

  13. A rabid local Democrat with a checkered history and a worthless public service record. As councilman (round 1) he ditched the position midstream and left for Baltimore and a boyfriend. As mayor, he was all talk and no action, except for making life miserable for council. As councilman (round2) he's just taking up valuable space.
    I wouldn't trust this guy to keep the Court's (our) official records. And officiating marriages? Nope!

  14. 10:13 AM
    One needs to ask, how is he still teaching? This is a confirmed id10T error. The boy needs to move to Rehomo and play with his boyfriends. Nobody there will have a problem with his stupid A$$

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  17. Anonymous said...
    No one likes Ireton. He's fake. He has never given anything to anyone without a kickback for himself. No. He won't be anything else in Salisbury except for town jester.

    June 1, 2017 at 10:16 AM

    When he was mare of da 'Bury he wanted to sell me the Poplar Hill Mansion for $100,000. I would have taken him up on the offer, but I had more integrity than that and I expected my name would have been blasted all over the blogs. I really wanted that house, but it wasn't worth the political firestorm like the other freebies he has given away.

  18. 1029 stupid remarks like this keep people from wanting to run for the position because 1 in 2 marriages in the US ends in divorce. It's pretty common place now days but the Puritan morality you impose on others that you probably don't apply to yourself, is what keeps good people from running for these offices. This is why you end up with unopposed jack asses like Ireton. He'll run regardless of your sh** slinging.

  19. Anonymous said...
    A rabid local Democrat with a checkered history and a worthless public service record. As councilman (round 1) he ditched the position midstream and left for Baltimore and a boyfriend. As mayor, he was all talk and no action, except for making life miserable for council. As councilman (round2) he's just taking up valuable space.
    I wouldn't trust this guy to keep the Court's (our) official records. And officiating marriages? Nope!

    June 1, 2017 at 10:18 AM

    You forgot his failed bid to run for Congress and lost to a man who never even got out of bed to campaign.

  20. Being elected as the Clerk of Courts in Wicomico County means absolutely nothing other than a decent salary. There is no political clout with this position and most people have no clue what this position is.

    The bottom line is that Jim Ireton would only be doing this for the money and he wouldn't have anyone to answer to. This would also mean that he is a "boss" again and his laziness will prevail.

    Don't vote for this fool with E-Coli breath.

  21. Remember, anyone running against Ireton is subject to getting calls in the middle of the night when he's drunk. He loves to cuss out his opponents in his stupor.

  22. Whenever I read anything about Ireton its never positive. Why does he think he can run in all these elections and be successful at it? He doesn't sound like a mentally sound individual and for that reason, I'm not voting for him.

  23. 10:42, LMAO, so true. Then he gets the Salisbury Police Chief to cover the story up. They claimed the call was made from Delaware and received in Delaware. Maryland doesn't have laws against a phone spoof but Delaware does. IF what they say was true, (which it wasn't) why didn't Chief Duncan prosecute the ALLEGED people involved by going to the Delaware State Police??? Chief Barbara Duncan refused to have me interviewed, so it was a 100% one sided cover up. Oh, by the way. I've known Jim for almost 15 years now. I know his voice and mannerisms and one thing is for sure, it was Jim Ireton on the other end of the phone for a good 8 minutes. But IF you don't interview Joe Albero, well, it's whatever they say it is. How convenient for Duncan and Ireton.

  24. IRETON = The teet of dabury

  25. I am basically a nobody but if no one else will run against him I will put my name in. It is not an election with one name on a ballot!

  26. Jim Ireton is just looking to cash in. He loves living off the taxpayer dime and using his position to get favors from others. He likes that it makes him look like a big man to some when most just look at him as a civil servant. He probably hates that title but doesn't ming looking like a hot shot.

  27. Felchie-boy needs to get a real job!

  28. Nobody in politics likes him except the other lazy and inept players.

  29. After all the former friends, neighbors and supporters he's screwed, he doesn't deserve another public position.

  30. There is an excellent candidate who will run against him, someone with a law degree and background. Don't worry - Ireton won't get in. Although there may be some clerk's office employees who wish he would so they could still "run the show" so to speak.

  31. Ireton is an embarrassment to those who actually work at doing things for the people after getting elected. He's the yellow dog that Democrats vote for when there's no other Democrat choice.

  32. But the first time he ran for any office I remember people saying he was such a devoted teacher and they were voting for him because he was so good with the children. Was he ever a teacher?

    1. I bet he pushed his gay agenda in school.

  33. Maybe I need to rethink about running for Clerk of Courts so he does
    not run unopposed. I am close to retirement age and have lived in the
    area for almost 40 years after running my own business for 30 of those years. Can't fathom him being back in the spotlight once again!

  34. Do any of you realize how much that position pays? Yes, it's well over $100,000. , plus benefits. No wonder he wants that position.

  35. Push this turd in the river he loves and lets see him do the BackSTROKE.LOL.

  36. He urinated in a ladies room sink in front of 3 women? That is one sick POS how come he's not in jail?

  37. What are the job requirements/ residence? County or City?

  38. Will his office be in the Courthouse here or in Rehoboth Beach?

  39. Wanna bet that Muir Boda runs too?

  40. 8:54 - My guess is that Mikey Dunn will run too.

  41. The Mojo's incident happened of course when Jimmy girl was drunk. It's a constant in any story about him - Jim Ireton being drunk. Listen, the comment about it being about the money for Ireton is correct. This clerk position is a nobody position and for him that's what seems odd where he won't be in the spotlight. I read on twitter he might be running for CONGRESS again. Yes. Again. Ireton was elected four times. Twice for council. Twice for Mayor. Who the F is electing this guy? Stop voting for this nasty, swishy poof. Move him to Rehomo where he and his new boyfriend can "play" all they want.

  42. 849 it's a given Jimmy was drunk, trick question is, does anyone know what he's like when he's sober? He's just a booze hound nothing more. He's proved his incompetence time and again, any wins from now on we'll know someone cheated and it should be investigated. I'll even call Maryland Board of Elections and place a formal complaint.

  43. Unless any action was taken on the wash bowl incident, it's over. That really grosses me out. As a male, and I walk in observing his nasty self in the place where hands are to be washed, I would lose it and cold cock his bad self on the nasty floor. Although he would never identify as a male and use the MENS room. I can't understand how there are no consequences for this behavior. Turd is right up there with Anthony Weiner, diseased little fellows.

  44. If anyone forms a tar and feather committee for this clown, I'm in!

  45. Keep this perv away from children.

  46. People who financially back his election bids are just as stupid as he is. They're morons looking to another moron for access. What kind of access do you really get with being in tight with the Clerk of the Court over a Congressman or Mayor. Good luck with that campaign, Jimmy.

  47. Don't let the same thing happen to this office or any again, if Jake or Ireton either run again unopposed please somebody throw your hat in the ring you will get the job. Anyone out there with a real heartbeat, and a real love for Salisbury, and a desire to be real and care that is all it will take believe us.

  48. Magical Molly will be his campaign manager and Jackie Wollyhead will be his treasurer.

  49. Let's hope people learned their lesson from his failed council and mayor terms. People need to stop letting these asshats run unopposed making them win by default. Winning by default isn't winning anyway, but it does show many have given up on Salisbury. Maybe they're right. Maybe there's nothing to fight for and Salisbury is done.

  50. Anonymous said...
    Wow not to minimize the Clerk's position but let's see House of Representatives to Clerk. thought the Clerk of courts requires a person of integrity

    June 1, 2017 at 9:16 AM

    Unfortunately ALL Democrats have ruined "integrity" in politics.

  51. At one point I think people thought Ireton was young and had potential. Not much of that around here but he has proven himself to be a public sex pervert, disgusting homosexual who has his hands out everywhere he goes. He is seeking one office after another. He is serving his own narcissistic ego. What won't he do? Be nice to see him stop being a public drunk. He is an embarrassment to Salisbury. Baltimore should have kept him!

  52. Anonymous said...

    Being elected as the Clerk of Courts in Wicomico County means absolutely nothing other than a decent salary. There is no political clout with this position and most people have no clue what this position is.

    Mr/Ms. Anonymous -- meet Millard Tawes:

    Tawes' political career began in 1930 when he was elected as clerk of the court for Somerset County, Maryland, narrowly defeating his opponent Harry T. Phoebus by 72 votes. After winning re-election in 1934, Tawes pursued state office. In 1938, he was elected Comptroller of Maryland, defeating Republican rival William G. Jack by 140,000 votes. He was re-elected as Comptroller in 1942.

    In 1946, Tawes ran for governor of Maryland but lost to William Preston Lane, Jr. in the Democratic primary. Tawes initially retired, but was appointed by Governor Lane to serve as a State Banking Commissioner in 1947. Tawes held that position until 1950, when he was appointed Comptroller to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of James J. Lacy. He was re-elected to the office in 1950 and 1954.

    In 1958, polling among Marylanders showed that Tawes was quite popular. This led Tawes to announce, for the second time, his candidacy for governor. He faced minor opposition in the primary, and defeated Republican James Devereux, a Congressman and veteran of World War II, by approximately 200,000 votes in the general election.

    In the election of 1962, Tawes faced substantial competition in the primary from David Hume, a critic of Tawes' conservation policies, and businessman George P. Mahoney. While both Hume and Mahoney polled impressively, Tawes managed to retain the Democratic nomination. His challenger in the general election, Congressman Frank Small, Jr., was defeated by Tawes by a margin of 78,000 votes, primarily due to a poorly managed campaign by Small.

  53. Well I do know that there will be some Republicans looking to run and that is where my vote will go Jim is ...well not the best choice given his track record. And for real did he pee in the sink?


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