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Friday, June 09, 2017

James Comey lost faith of Republicans and Democrats

Both Democrats and Republicans lost confidence in his leadership at the FBI

Since before President Trump was even inaugurated, the mainstream media has been on a mission to distort, discredit and delegitimize his presidency. On matters big and small, they have lied and misrepresented the president’s statements and actions, and now they’ve found a new hero: disgruntled former FBI Director James Comey.

The media’s latest line would have you believe that James Comey is a victim who was competently serving the nation until he was baselessly fired by Mr. Trump. But the facts tell a different story.

The record actually shows that Mr. Comey had lost the confidence of elected officials from both political parties and could no longer be trusted to serve as FBI director.



  1. This "celebrity FBI Director" makes me long for the days of J. Edgar Hoover.
    There's no way that Comey is Trump material. Weak, indecisive, and wanting to be a celebrity.
    What a total political jerk.

  2. The more I learn about the former director the more I believe the President. His testimony was an attempt to garner public sympathy but I am seeing through the charade for what it is, a sour grapes reaction to an embarrassing termination.


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