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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Is America Really Coming Apart, As Charles Murray Suggests?

A new Rasmussen poll reports that a majority of voters think so, and it certainly feels that way. Since Donald Trump’s election in November, the pace and intensity of deeply divisive rhetoric has accelerated. Antifa and the Alt-Right are literally fighting in the streets. Combative talking heads on cable news, vicious social media exchanges, riots at universities, a bitter special election in Georgia, and even the shooting of a congressman have both sides rethinking the entire political process and talking about abandoning the “rule of law.”

It is an uneasy time, a time for hard questions. Can politics really provide a solution to our problems, or is it the cause? Should we still abide by democratic processes when a significant portion of the country is enraged by the outcome? What if voting and elections simply weren’t anymore? These are the questions we need to ask and answer honestly.

Progressives, including Hillary Clinton, now openly label themselves the “resistance” and call for Trump to be removed from office. Anti-Brexit forces in the UK call for Theresa May simply to repudiate the referendum. Democratic elections, a cornerstone of neoliberalism, are not so sacrosanct when the wrong guy wins. Progressives’ sense of inevitability has been deeply shaken by Trump and the rise of nationalist movements in Europe. Has it been shaken enough to consider real alternatives to social democracy?

Conservatives too have radically changed their talking points. Bill Kristol tweets that he prefers a Deep State silent coup to living under the Trump state. David Frum calls Trump a liar and an autocrat. George Will claims the president has a “disability.”



  1. Everything! we are finding out is not as we are told. You know the party line. Our media, our leaders, politicians every government offical has been lying to us. playing along with some kind of demonic plan? Backed by Hollywood, Progressive lefts agenda, Islam,immigration, FED, UN,deep state, soros, globalist, and millions of useful idiots. You have to ask yourself. Who deceives? who lies? Misrepresents? creates hostility, and violence. What we are witnessing is not the work of God! Its an Evil! Its an evil that is supporting the subversion, the treason, UFOs, Christian hatred and sexual orientation confusion. It belongs to no one but the grand deceiver. The soucre of evil. The duality deceiver of the one who knows his days are getting short. Pray hard for what appears to be a brother, our current President. He is still a man. Trust only in Jesus and the best lifes self help guide book. The good old bible.

  2. Everything! we are finding out is not as we are told. You know the party line. Our media, our leaders, politicians every government offical has been lying to us. playing along with some kind of demonic plan? Backed by Hollywood, Progressive lefts agenda, Islam,immigration, FED, UN,deep state, soros, globalist, and millions of useful idiots. You have to ask yourself. Who deceives? who lies? Misrepresents? creates hostility, and violence. What we are witnessing is not the work of God! Its an Evil! Its an evil that is supporting the subversion, the treason, secret societies, freemasonary, UFOs, Christian hatred and sexual orientation confusion. It belongs to no one but the grand deceiver. The soucre of evil. The duality deceiver of the one who knows his days are getting short. Pray hard for what appears to be a brother, our current President. He is still a man. Trust only in Jesus and the best lifes self help guide book. The good old bible.

  3. I wondered what made the 2 posts different - as the margins seemed to change.
    It is "secret societies, freemasonry" . . . .

    Very interesting that you chose to retype the comment in order to add those 2 words.
    I agree with you that we should trust in Jesus Christ - but that is for the after life.
    Right now his commandment is simple: Be reconciled. Katalagete.

    Thank you


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