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Saturday, June 17, 2017

IRONY: Global Warming Study Is CANCELLED Because….THICK SUMMER ICE!

Oh this is so ironic that it almost seems too good to be true. This is a global research study that was suppose take place in Canada. It has been months in the planning, and participants truly believed they were going to be saving the world with their research. Saving the world from over heating, due to global warming that is. Not so bright…

However, when it came down to the wire, the boat they were going to take out for the research was cancelled on them. It was needed to go pull in and assist a couple other boats that had become STUCK in the ocean because…wait for it…. UNPRECEDENTED thick summer ice. So basically, they need to go out and collect all the evidence that the world is overheating and we are in danger…except there was too much ice so they couldn’t take the boat they wanted to.



  1. I thought this was last year. Check the release date on the story.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I thought this was last year. Check the release date on the story.

    June 17, 2017 at 6:56 AM

    Yes, put aside all the thousands of comments you have to moderate and check a date on an article because someone else is to lazy to do it themselves. And I'm sure he had a yuge point to make because of some date.

  3. It's all about carbon tax and nothing more. But if your a liberal it must be true because you herd it on cnn.

  4. 6:56

    Nope, its this year.....again

  5. Weather Modification


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