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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Incitement. 'Meathead' Rob Reiner Calls for ‘All Out War’ to Resist Trump

Actor and filmmaker Rob Reiner was shredded by social media users over the weekend after he called for an “all out war” to resist President Donald Trump.

Writing on Twitter Sunday, the All in the Family star mentioned a Fox News report about the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 election.

“When Fox says that DT colluding with the enemy is not a crime, the fight to save Democracy is now an all out war. US-Stay strong. #Treason,” he wrote.

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  1. Let me see now...
    Son of Carl Reiner.
    Famous actor and director.
    Now there's a man who knows what the real world's like. #Elitist

  2. All you non-believers thought Archie Bunker was just a middle income lunatic. You were wrong again.

  3. Archie was right about this fool!

  4. I hope Reiner does not think he is relevant. Seems the celebs got it all wrong. BIG TIME HYPOCRITES!

  5. Ok, Archie died YEARS ago. I'm damn sure he didn't leave Meathead has head of household!!!!!

  6. Once a meathead always a meathead!!

  7. Looks like playing the part of Meathead stuck with the idiot. He is not relevant at all, no matter what he thinks and feels.

  8. Meathead never was too bright...

  9. Another has been. Go retire and shut up !

  10. This guy is on a suicide mission and he may lead a whole lot of unarmed or poorly armed liberal nutcases into the same.

  11. Like to see Meat Head on the front line of his little insurrection but, am sure he would be hiding somewhere blubbering his liberal Insanity.


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