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Sunday, June 04, 2017

How We're Changing Maryland

Over the past two years, we've made incredible progress — but we're just getting started!


  1. Ain't got no CCW. Won't vote for him again.

    1. So electing a liberal to replace him is a better idea? Come on...think!

  2. And so the add water, mix bunch like 402 and 410 have spoken. I just bet Hogan's all torn up inside.

  3. Hilarious how these local yahoos don't get the governor is only a portion of the issue. What about the legislators you send to Annapolis every year, year after year who think sanctuary status is more important than what YOU want? You don't scream your fat little heads off about them. What a bunch of morons.

  4. He wants to change Maryland by helping Baltimore remove the Confederate monuments and anything white.

  5. Yes they should move them out of that war zone cess pool called Baltimore City. Move them to where people don't believe in rewriting history. Offended by a statue of all things! Personally I feel if someone is offended by a statue they are a complete whack job who belongs locked up in a mental facility for life undergoing psychiatric shock treatments. If you don't like it don't look at it-it's as simple as that. Removing a statue isn't going to change history.

  6. Public Integrity Act? Teaching Ethics and Reforming ethics? Doesn't look like that Act extended to the Shore reading some of the comments here.

  7. Lots more recovery required to get over O'Moron!
    Keep plugging on Governor!

    We still need to get the swamp drained in Annapolis - too many Baltimorons there!

  8. Problem is not Hogan, its the legislature - which WE vote in.

  9. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 29, 2017 at 8:41 PM

    4:02 and 4:10 just come on! If you were expecting Hogan to pull out magic stick and change everything overnight? Sorry, but after 8 years of OweMalley and Barack, it's gonna take some time to fix it. First, we gotta Drain the Maryland Swamp, especially those Democ-rats who been throwing road blocks, those need to be voted out ASAP. Besides, who else would you want at governor's seat? No many good choices there, so give the man time to do his job.

  10. A republican governor in a socialist, communist state - you can't expect miracles. Just stop with the taxes and I'm somewhat satisfied.

  11. 410
    get your VA CC permit
    good in 31 real states

  12. Republicans are out numbered in this state 2 to 1. There is no way he would get elected to a second term if he went full conservative the first term. Hopefully he gets a chance at a second term.


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