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Monday, June 05, 2017

Hillary didn't want to share a plane with Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama may have been Hillary Clinton's biggest cheerleader during the 2016 presidential election, but it looks like Hillary wasn't the biggest fan of her fellow first lady.

According to an email exchanged obtained through a Freedom of Information Act Request by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, then-Secretary of State Clinton didn't want to share a plane with Obama when the two attended Betty Ford's funeral in 2011.

The exchange starts with an email from Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin, who informs her that the Ford family would be open to having Clinton speak at the funeral and that Obama planned to attend the service as well.



  1. They are both slaves to men. A man tells them to jump and they jump however clinton fancies herself above MO-a house slave so to speak and MO a mere field slave. We all remember the leaked clinton campaign emails where blacks were referred to as lazy and losers and not a person was fired by clinton for the exchange.

  2. I really can't blame her on this, Michelle should have been in the back of the plane.

  3. The truth on this is they both have out run their 15 min of fame. End of story.

    1. Ummmm perhaps you should recheck the meaning of the phrase. Im pretty sure M.O.'s accomplishments even before becoming the First Lady for 8 yrs far outweigh all you have done in life.

  4. She also did not want to drink from the same water fountain . . .

  5. 8:33 would you ?

  6. 957 yeah right, marrying the right guy is just what a gal needs to be famous. Really? Last time I checked it was 2017 not 1957. Where ya been, Inca?

  7. Yeah, screwing a gay man really gets you famous for all the right reasons. Idiot.

  8. This is the only thing I have agreed on with the failed candidate. On the other hand, if I were the recent failed leader's bride, I would not want to fly with the failed candidate. Works both ways.

  9. "Anonymous said...

    Ummmm perhaps you should recheck the meaning of the phrase. Im pretty sure M.O.'s accomplishments even before becoming the First Lady for 8 yrs far outweigh all you have done in life.

    June 5, 2017 at 9:57 PM"

    Wrong! Unless you count being an angry miserable liar who proves beyond any doubt you can take them out of the ghetto but you can never take it out of them. She's a lying ghetto hustler just like that other pathological liar she's married to. If you like her so be it. Only proves you are the lowest of the low. Human filth raised by scum who didn't have any decency and morals themselves and is why you are void of them.

  10. Does anyone recall when Bill Clinton made the statement about Obama that "100 years ago he would be serving me coffee"? Hmmmmmm.


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