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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Gregg Jarrett: Why Robert Mueller should resign as special counsel

Robert Mueller has a serious conflict of interest that should disqualify him from serving as special counsel.

He has had a long and close relationship with someone who will surely become a pivotal witness -- James Comey.

No one doubts Mueller's sterling credentials. That is not the issue. He is eminently disqualified. The problem arises in his duty to fairly and objectively evaluate the evidence he gathers.

How can Americans have confidence in the results if they know the special counsel may harbor a conspicuous bias? They cannot. The conflict inevitably discredits whatever conclusion is reached. It renders the entire investigatory exercise suspect, and it only elevates the controversy surrounding it.

For this reason, Mueller should not serve as special counsel.



  1. special councel for what?

  2. I'm sure for that reason the swamp chose him.

  3. Comey already testified that there was no evidence against Trump. Why do yet another investigation?

  4. His work has been 90% completed with prior investigations and Comey's testimony, Should be done and charges handed down on Comey / Hillary and several other Democrats and "NONE" handed down against Pres Trump or his team, past and present. If this does not happen then his biased attitude will prove he also is dishonest.

  5. I was surprised when Fox kept Gregg after his drunken episode a few years back.Mug shots are never complimentary.


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