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Monday, June 12, 2017

Gingrich: Mueller Will Not Conduct a Neutral Investigation

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich Sunday cast doubt on special counsel Robert Mueller's ability to remain neutral in his investigation of President Donald Trump's campaign and collusion with Russia, saying fired FBI Director James Comey's testimony has already tainted the investigation.

"Look at what Comey said," Gingrich told "Fox News Sunday," during a panel discussion. "He said 'I deliberately leaked, through an intermediary, to create this counsel,' who happens to be one of his closest friends...the director of the FBI was deliberately leaking in order to create a special counsel, who we are supposed to believe will be this neutral figure. I think this is just nonsense."

Gingrich said it looks to him like there are efforts being set up to go after Trump, "including people who have been reprimanded for hiding from the defense, information into major cases. I think this is going to be a witch hunt."



  1. He should Not be the one chosen to do it then ...pick

  2. IT'S Been a Witch Hunt from
    the " get go" for our President!!

  3. Funny, just a month ago he said he was an impeccable choice and was perfectly suited to conduct a complete and fact driven investigation. Newt should get his stories straight.

  4. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Read Your Stupid Asinine CommentJune 12, 2017 at 1:07 PM

    1258 use your head for something other than a hat rack. We ALL just found out last Thursday the situation where Mueller knew about Comey's leaking beforehand. Also now questions are raised whether or not Mueller knew long before he became special counsel. You sound like an idiot boob. Get a life.

  5. It's hitting the fan now. Thanks, President Trump. Accountability, what a concept1


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