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Friday, June 16, 2017

Furious Trump Lashes Out In Afternoon Tweetstorm

An increasingly furious President Trump has taken to twitter this afternoon to express his outrage, in a way only the President can, over the thinly veiled double standard within the U.S. intelligence community and mainstream media over how they basically ignored the Hillary Clinton email scandal while endlessly pursuing his administration without being able to present a single shred of tangible evidence that any wrongdoing ever occurred.

"Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are?"

"Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, 'bleached' emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?"
Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are?
Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, 'bleached' emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?

Of course, he seems to have a point on this one. Last summer, we reported fairly extensively on the Hillary email scandal while it was virtually glossed over by the mainstream media.

And, like many people, we were astonished when FBI Director Comey made the unilateral assessment that, despite Hillary's "extreme carelessness," no "reasonable" prosecutor would bring charges against her.


  1. Tomorrow will be a great time to show our support for President Trump. Rally for Trump at the intersection of RT 50 and RT 611 At 9:am to 11:0 AM on THE Way to Ocean City Md.
    Bring a friend or two.

  2. Pres. Trump needs to appoint another special prosecutor to look into the Clinton "Matter". This will take the heat off of him or at the very least, spread the heat around a little.

  3. Might be time for your president to stop acting like a jilted schoolgirl.

  4. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!June 16, 2017 at 11:18 AM

    He has every right to lash out. He hasn't done anything but idiotic media and left refuse to accept Clinton lost the election because of her own lack of character and moral fiber. They keep going with this fake news and it's ridiculous because nothing backs it up. NOTHING! It's just a nothingburger. I'd be pretty pissed, too, if I were working my ass off morning, noon and night and getting this pile on everyday. Wouldn't you? Jesus people, use your damn brains for a change.

  5. 11;18 your right on but sad to say a lot of people out here are out of their minds so don't expect them changing.


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