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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fresh terror in Brussels

Suspected suicide bomber threatening train passengers 'shouts Allahu Akbar and triggers an explosion' at city's central station as he is gunned down by soldiers

A suspected suicide bomber who allegedly shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before triggering an explosion at Brussels Central Station has been gunned down and killed by soldiers.

Shots rang out soon after 8pm on Tuesday as police and soldiers moved in to 'neutralise' the man, who was said to be 'threatening rail passengers' in what is being considered as a terrorist incident.

The attacker was not confirmed dead for several hours after being shot as medics could not approach him for fear that the explosives strapped to him could go off, official authorities said.

Initial reports suggested the suspect - described as being 'tanned, well-built and in his 30s' - was wearing an explosive vest or rucksack, while witnesses later claimed he tried to blow up a trolley or a suitcase.



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