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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Florida teens who 'stole a Porsche and $200k' pictured

Six teenage boys, aged between 14 and 16, are accused of stealing a Porsche and $200,000 during a Florida burglary - before blowing the cash on gold jewelry and teeth, and high end cars for themselves and their mothers.

The teens; Rural Scott, 15, Jeremiah Laplace, 15, Michael Bush, 14, Joshua Sargeant, 14, Shomari Smith, 14, and Walter Walker, 16, all from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, were charged with burglary and grand theft this week.

A St. Lucie County Sheriff's report said the group, who each have a long rap sheet despite their young ages, were all in custody in other jurisdictions in connection with other crimes when they were arrested Monday following a two-month investigation.



  1. Wow! Way early to start a life of crime. These kids are way too bored.

  2. Send them to military school, THEN mandatory sign up for the military!

    Put them to some use rather than that Juvy Detention Center they have out in the middle of the Everglades hear Homestead FL.

  3. Wow, how awful that they've started out their lives so badly. Even traffic tickets can follow you for what seems forever; lengthy rap sheets at 14-16 years of age?! Gonna look tough in prison with those gold teeth!

  4. Charge them as adults. They are certainly old enough to know what they are doing is wrong. Then send the bill for the merchandise they bought to their custodial parent. Though, I would bet, not one of these boys has a dad at home and mom will never be able to pay it.

  5. We'll be babysitting this organized crime gang for as long as it takes for them each to get himself shot in the back of the head and his gold teeth pulled out with pliers or knocked out with whatever brick or rock is nearby.

  6. Will the relatives be charged with receiving stolen property?

  7. 12:11 interesting question indeed. Also...we they be charged with child neglect or abuse for raising thugs?

  8. who keeps 200k in a portable fireproof safe in an unlocked house?


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