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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

ESPN bringing Hank Williams Jr. back to Monday Night Football

ESPN is bringing Hank Williams Jr. -- and all his rowdy friends -- back into the Monday Night Football fold, six years after the sports network parted ways with the brash country rocker following controversial remarks involving then-President Barack Obama.

Williams' new version of “All My Rowdy Friends Are Here on Monday Night," with his trademark opening: "Are you ready for some football?" will debut before a Sept. 11 game between the New Orleans Saints and the Minnesota Vikings.

“I think it’s a return to our past in that it’s such an iconic song associated with football,” said Stephanie Druley, ESPN’s senior vice president of events and studio production.



  1. ESPN sucks...It's political show. Hank Jr. is too good for them.

  2. It's about time.

  3. I'm sure that it is a last-ditch effort to bring back their glory days and Mr. Williams will be getting paid nicely too!!

  4. Of course, BSPN freed up lots of $$$ when they fired on air and off air talent in Apr/May.

    Hank Williams Jr will not encourage me to watch MNF. Only good match ups WILL!

    Geez BSPN, that Disney Magic is really doing a number on you!

    WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mega-profits down. Viewership down. Whatsamater. Sucking up to Colin Kapernick and liberal social issues weren't profitable?

  6. Don't watch it anymore unless at a bar or friend's house. Not worth paying $100/mo for cable.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    ESPN sucks...It's political show. Hank Jr. is too good for them.

    June 6, 2017 at 12:00 PM

    I agree and unless Jr. is being paid an insane amount of money he should say screw them.

  8. I agree, ESPN is is trouble for liberal views. Should be about sports period, but then again they can't help themselves.

  9. Sweet ones, say ! No ! To the LIBERALD

  10. ESPN and the NFL went political and now they are suffering from it. Stupid libtards never learn.


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