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Friday, June 16, 2017

EPA Announces Chesapeake Bay Grant Awards

WASHINGTON, DC: Earlier this week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the award of more than $4.2 million in grants supporting the health of the Chesapeake Bay. Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement in support of these grant awards:

“I am pleased to see the EPA provide support to local initiatives benefitting the Chesapeake Bay. The health of the Chesapeake Bay is the responsibility of multiple states, not just Maryland and Virginia, and is a critical component of the economy of Maryland’s First Congressional District. I also applaud the men and women in Maryland working at the grassroots level to keep the Bay clean.”

The MD Department of Natural Resources will receive $4,088,335 of this funding for the Chesapeake Bay Implementing Grant (CBIG) program. Chesapeake Stormwater Network Inc. will receive $108,400 in funding to accelerate the implementation of nutrient and sediment load reduction practices, and the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin will invest its $61,017 grant award into data management and analysis services that will produce accessible water quality and biological monitoring data.


  1. What a joke! 4 million to DNR while DNR allows Corp of Engineers to destroy Fishing Bay with dredge slurp. You watermen better get off your butt and see whats really happening to our bay.

  2. Total BS,just giving non profits our money to waste on high salaries to go out and test water.

  3. waste of taxpayer money


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