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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ellison Connects Trump to Scalise Shooting: He’s Created Culture Where Crazed People ‘Go Off the Rails’

Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) connected the rhetoric of President Donald Trump to the mass shooting targeting congressional Republicans this month, saying Monday that he has created a "culture of incivility" where crazed individuals can "go off the rails."

Trump's language, the Democratic National Committee deputy chair said on MSNBC's "All In," is fueling some of the "ugliest, most pernicious elements in our society."

Host Chris Hayes then addressed the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R., La.) and others this month by a fervent left-wing supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), which led to renewed discussion about the charged language in American politics.

"There are folks who want to make the connection between that rhetoric and violence as well, and I wonder if you feel like it applies in both directions, or is the president doing something unique?" Hayes asked.

More here


  1. Ellison is a democrat and therefor either uninformed, misinformed or ill-informed. Sit down and shut up.

  2. Because no one ever shot anybody during Obamas terms. The Democrats whole agenda is to make statements that purposely mislead and deceive their voter base, because 90% of them are too dim to know any better.

  3. Want a guilty party, you only need look in a mirror.

    At the end of the day most Americans want the same things, but we have allowed ourselves to be manipulated into us vs them, and have been manipulated into being so vicious to each other, all so that ratings can be large, advertising can be sold, and politicians can control us to leaven huge windfalls for their donors.

    America, we need to wake up. Stop this war of rhetoric and name calling and demonizing.. it is only further polarizing us. It keeps us distracted, and allows us to be used, and stolen from.. and worse.. it makes what would have been generally sane people do insane things.

    So I understand.. but it's time to resist all the media and the politicians. That was ALL the media. Demand content and facts, not rhetoric and name calling and positioning.

  4. Ellison is a Muslim Dem and lacks common sense. I've never known him to be right on anything.

  5. Another chief wackadoodle slinging crap & hoping it sticks! SMH

  6. And this bozo (sorry to the clown for the aspersion) wanted to head the DNC? Not sure just who is the bigger moon bat, him or Pelosi. Either is good for the GOP.

  7. The stupid democrat can only connect the shooter to this tragic incident. On the other hand, don't you think President George W. Bush is relieved to catch a break? Everything, I mean everything was his fault for eight miserable years until the good POTUS gained his newly elected position in 2016.
    Trump/Pence 2020!!

  8. It is in fact the problem of the democratic party that is causing all of this violence. They lost the election and will do, and are saying, anything to blame all that goes wrong on Trump or the Republicans. Get over yourselves and move on. This is America. If you are unhappy with out process, get out.

  9. You can blame the media for that.

  10. I knew it was just a matter of time before the stupid liberals would blame Trump for the left wing murdering bastard. According to them everything is Trump's fault. In truth he is the best president we have had since Reagan, period.


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