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Friday, June 30, 2017

Elizabeth Warren is full of lies, lies, lies.


  1. As a Health individual that can attest to the truth of the matter in this case I was indeed covered via Medicaid since the institution of Obama Care until I found a job after graduating college. While I was covered I could not find a single Primary Care Provider that would see me for a general checkup without waiting for 4-6 months. Yes 4-6 months for a checkup and worst case blood work. So if I a healthy person had to wait this long how long would an ill individual need to wait to see a doctor? I can't answer that but the only reason that I was covered by Medicaid was... i made very little money working part time while in school and could not afford The Bronze plan that would have cost me 60+ dollars per month and had a deductible of (i hope your sitting) $5,000. The system under Obama Care has increased the number of insured people... Yes in the same way that if you were to say Jump off this building or eat this ice cream. Everyone would eat the ice cream. The mandate that requires compliance or penalizes you has cause even the healthy to pay into the system. Why would they want this ? The generation of baby boomers is getting older. And thus the next generation unfortunately (Millennials can only trust them as far as you can throw their phone) will need to pick up the slack by contributing to the system (that they really don't want to be apart of). So whats the answer remove the mandate and make Congress participate in the bill that they intend the American people to be a party to.

  2. The question should be "Are more taxes and handouts the solution when 1 out of 5 Americans CAN NOT afford their own healthcare!".

  3. She is also full of Sh**!

  4. Elizabeth Warren will the next democrat nominee for president and if she were to win this country would go right down the drain and I truly believe it would never recover. God bless President Trump.


  5. Elizabeth Warren speaks with forked tongue. Always.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 30, 2017 at 4:24 PM

    Liz Warren, the self proclaimed Pocahantas of Massachusetts, the leader of Socialist Democ-rats, lies, lies, lies. When was the last time she told the truth? Well, all those years hanging with Clinton's, Obama and Pelosi, yeah, that would certainly make her into a Pathological Liar and Deceiver. Oh, but but it's those Mean Republicans. I'm surprised she didn't use favorite Democ-rat excuse - Bush Did It. Drain the Swamp!

  7. Warren is a dumbocrat....therefore she is a liar cheat and thief!

  8. Get rid of 10,000 government insurance administrators and let us buy what we want directly from the insurance companies, and the rates will go back to the old days.

    Government should only be working on allowing sales across state lines and lawsuit limits. Government stuff Congress does, not work paid for through insurance premiums.

  9. She is worth 25 million dollars! How?


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