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Sunday, June 04, 2017

DUI Sobriety Checkpoint Schedule For Tomorrow 6-1-17


  1. Revenue enhancement checkpoints!

  2. My cops friends will text it out.

  3. not only are these illegal unconstitutional but should be considered entrapment. The law enforcement note a days want the easiest way for their job to go even if it means throwing everything they pledged to protect and serve out the window. To sacrifice any rights for any amount of good out come is not only ignorant but not theirs to sacrifice! When will you decide to stand up.... what will it take ?

    1. class action Federal Lawsuit needed

    2. class action Federal Lawsuit needed

    3. 1)Grab a dictionary
      2)Look up entrapment
      3)Have a nice day

  4. LETS ME ZEE YOUR PAPERS.........German SS tatics

    1. I'll make 100 hr with my rank and over time rate for 4 hours. If someone is STUPID enough to actually DRINK AND DRIVE then I'll get 8 hrs. Sucks putting up with a dumbass who can't handle alcohol but the pepper spray washes out. Hate all you want.

  5. What needs to happen is a few checkpoints and zero dui arrests. As much as I hate govt. involvement in our lives it's a tough argument to win if they even catch one drunk person. Let's work on making people more responsible so they don't drive drunk in the fist place. That's the way to win this battle...

  6. Ban booze. Problem solved

  7. I've never had a problem but then again I don't drink.

  8. When was the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution deleted?
    I must've missed that on the news.

  9. Just another reason to avoid OC.

  10. Get the WAZE app on your phone and it will notify you of where and when these checkpoints are and where the revenue collectors have speed traps.

  11. 1:15. That's right. Get Waze.

  12. I don't drink and drive, no worries, no problems!

  13. Some of you are still at the age, you think you have to have alcohol to have fun?

  14. 11:39 to damn funny, "let's work on making people more responsible" your meds must be awfully good!
    once again never see a kop in sby's ghettos. might get shot huh?
    take the easy way out collect a paycheck and do what you are told!
    not rocket science! waiting for the day robo kop shows up and all these government lackeys are out of work!

  15. 11:39.....doesn't really care if he has any rights.
    that's okay.
    Leave MINE alone, okay?

  16. 1:47 they tried that once.... didn't work out well but made the Kennedys rich.

  17. Thanks for the heads up, you'll never catch me coppers.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'll make 100 hr with my rank and over time rate for 4 hours. If someone is STUPID enough to actually DRINK AND DRIVE then I'll get 8 hrs. Sucks putting up with a dumbass who can't handle alcohol but the pepper spray washes out. Hate all you want.

    June 1, 2017 at 11:51 PM

    well hell, I would man every one I could then

  19. ok enough with the lawsuits, unconstitutional and other crap. these checkpoints have been through the courts including the supreme court and were deemed legal and constitutional. From way back in 1990.

    And no one has to drive through one if there is a legal u-turn or exit before the checkpoint, but be prepared to be pulled over if they see you avoiding said checkpoint.

    The best remedy for a dui checkpoint would be not to drink and drive. Depending on your body weight one drink could put you at or over the limit. Be safe.

    1. Problem is most of the residents of this area lack the minimal amount of common sense required to understand any of what you said.

  20. Statutory Law is UnConstitutional.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1)Grab a dictionary
    2)Look up entrapment
    3)Have a nice day

    June 2, 2017 at 2:33 PM

    1) Go to a law library
    2) Look up USSC rulings
    3) Have a nice day.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Statutory Law is UnConstitutional.

    June 2, 2017 at 3:37 PM

    1) Go to a law library
    2) Look up USSC rulings
    3) Have a nice day.

    You don't have to like a law. But you do have the option to challenge it, which has already been done for you. And the law still stands.

  22. i smell merrywanna in here

  23. Which one of you cheerleaders thinks that an armed (and WILL kill you) official governemnt agent has the right to stop innocent citizens to LOOK for a crime?
    Americans have always enjoyed the freedom of travel and movement WITHOUT the threat of being stopped aand questioned by the police. Which can get real ugly for "we, the people".
    That's a Nazi Germany type thing.
    Somewhere along the line, we have been cowered into thinking THEY get to say when we can travel, where we can travel, and just to make sure we are doing what we are told, they get to interrupt you, search you, harrass and intimidate you, and check to see IF -- IF!! -- there is a crime they can find. They had NO reason to think you were committing a crime, but, under the threat of taking 16 rounds from a 9mm, you BETTER "comply".
    WHEN will the citizens wake up?! CONSTANT 24-7 surveil!lance of everything you do! Computer files and profiles of every adult in the USA. Photographs of you stored forever (in CASE you might later be a criminal), ALL financial transactions and records stored FOREVER. ALL mail photographed front and back. GPS (often unknown to most people) tracking everyone's movements. Constitutional protections being SUPERSEDED (!!) by The Patriot Act and the NDAA. Our RIGHTS being relegated to nothing by some pompous child molester in Congress? Mass collection of calls, texts, and faxes on an ENTIRE CITY?
    Which one of you goofs think THIS will go away one day?
    Anyone who said "yes" should walk outside and blow your brains out. You are THAT stupid.
    Keep cheering, you lemmings. Jefferson would puke if he met you.


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