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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Dem strategist behind #HuntRepublicans tweets reacts to Handel victory: ‘Time for hunting’

A New Jersey Democratic strategist under fire for tweeting #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen after last week’s congressional baseball shooting doubled down on the violent rhetoric Wednesday, saying it’s “time for hunting” after Republican Karen Handel won Georgia’s special congressional election over Democrat Jon Ossoff.

“Yesterday’s special election results show Democrats need a wartime consigliare [sic],” Jim Devine wrote. “This is no time for hiding, it is time for hunting.”

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  1. I'm your Huckleberry.

  2. They are so combative it is ridiculous. We sat by patiently waiting for our time to come after two terms under King Obama and now we are meet with threats to our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from the liberals after fairly winning back the presidency, congress and the like. I like many others am in no rush for Civil War 2.0. but the feeling from the pit of my gut is that we may not be the ones to start it but will certainly be the ones to finish it.

  3. What is wrong with this guy Devine? This cannot be construed as anything but a call to arms. Jeff Sessions should consider this as open anarchy and prosecute this bozo to the fullest extent of the law. I am sure his constituents really do not want civil war. He should be held in contempt at least and prosecuted at most.

  4. Progressive liberalism has raised it's ugly head. These elites, who can afford to be to the left, really don't care about your average citizen trying to survive in today's world.Sad day for all Americans.

  5. Facebook is now actively promoting the page
    "Terminate The Republican Party"

  6. This guy is just plain evil, God help us!

  7. Do you dumbocrats have anyone in your party that's not a complete loon?


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