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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Delaware Governor Signs Gender Pay Gap Law

An Equal Pay Day event, with a lemonade stand where women pay 79 cents for a cup and men pay $1 — to highlight the wage gap. Despite transparency rules and standardized pay rates, states still struggle with gender pay inequities in their government workforces.
© Molly Riley/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
Delaware Gov. John Carney, a Democrat, has signed a new law prohibiting prospective employers from asking job applicants about their salary history.

The law also bars employers from screening applicants based on their previous compensation.

In the absence of legislation from the U.S. Congress, governors in California, Connecticut, Illinois, New York, North Dakota and Oregon have signed equal pay lawsin recent years.

The latest move to outlaw disparate pay arrives as new studies indicate that Americanwomen earn 80 percent of what men earn doing comparable work.



  1. I keep hearing about unequal pay in the news but I've never personally seen it or heard about it in real life. I'm having a hard time believing that it actually exists to the extent that we keep hearing from the media.

  2. 6:52 says the white male I bet lol

    1. It's a hoax. They used a model that didn't take into consideration choice. When it's was researched and choice was on the poll women were paid equally and leaned towards more. This is another reason why democrats keep losing elections. Got to STOP lying.

  3. Delaware citizens need to continue the anti Democrat movement that is happening elsware. Our swamp is in Wilmington and it needs to be drained.!

  4. As an employer, I can tell you women call out of work 10 times more than men. Women are typically head of household and spend work time making calls, sending text messages, etc arranging for this doctor appointment, or that after school thing etc. Women are shopping online when they can. They're talking with other women about running a household. (and creating drama/competition) It's all primal instincts, women are engineered to take care of family and make it comfortable.

    Men are biologically wired to work (hunt, build, but these days "work") and provide and typically won't miss a day of work unless they can help it and typically work harder and take more pride in doing as good a job as possible. Now yes, men can get lazy and maybe browse online, but it's for far less time than women waste.

    1. Someone needs to thank their wife for working twice as hard to make things comfortable for him

  5. 7:58 AM Yes and so is 8:31

  6. 8:37 AM OMG that is the most hysterical and typical chauvinistic comment. As a male employer.... Women bla bla bla and men are so great!

    Let me tell you. I was the only woman working at a business. I was appalled at the level of sexual harassment I endured. Women are trash, bla bla bla. The men gossiped, back stabbed and sabotaged each other and anyone else they knew, on a daily basis. I was paid a fraction of what the rest of management was paid, because I was a woman and didn't need to make as much.
    And this guy/owner is part of your local government establishment.

    And I bet 8:37 says all this because odds are he employs more women, because he pays them less than the men he employs

    Thank you 8:37 for verifying our claim to gender discrimination, in print none the less

  7. 8:37 AM You get what you pay for and I bet you pay your women less than you pay your men, hence the wasted time. I don't bust my behind for pennies on the dollar either. You aren't fooling anyone especially your employees.

  8. 8:37, you are the problem, not women.


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