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Saturday, June 24, 2017

Deep State: Education Officials Quietly Push Transgender Ideology Onto Schools

An internal memo in the Department of Education says officials will investigate schoolteachers who do not comply with children’s demands to be called by the opposite-sex pronoun, for example, ‘her’ instead of ‘him.’

The instruction was part of a jargon-filled memo dated June 6, and signed by Candice Jackson, the Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in the U.S. Education Department, which provides instructions to staff concerning “complaints involving transgender students.”

The memo tells department lawyers how to respond when they get complaints involving “transgender students.” It says the department’s left-wing lawyers can use recent and disputed federal court decisions — not the elected President’s popular policies — to justify high-pressure lawsuits against teachers who have normal attitudes about the equal, different and complementary status of males and females.

More here


  1. This is a Globalist Agenda.

  2. Why doesn't the teachers union say NO ?

  3. Why don't the TEACHERS say NO!!!??? Because they have NO Morals.

  4. They can say whatever they want all that LGBTQ stuff is NOT normal and children should not be taught that it is.


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