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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Davis 'surprised' Baltimore not among cities to receive federal crime funding

12 cities to receive Justice Department aid to lower crime
BETHESDA, Md. — The Justice Department will help 12 U.S. cities develop long-term strategies to decrease violent crime, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday.

Baltimore is not among the cities.

The department will help local authorities study crime patterns and create specially tailored plans to reduce gang and gun violence, he said. Federal authorities will help cities find "data-driven, evidence-based strategies" that can be measured overtime.

"This program will help communities suffering from serious violent crime problems to build up their capacity to fight crime," Sessions said, speaking at a gathering of federal and state law enforcement officials in Bethesda, Maryland.



  1. No money for sanctuary cities!


  2. Well, when you turn rioters loose and let them trash the place it would tend to indicate that you aren't real serious about reducing crime..

    No use throwing money at something like that.

  3. The feds are already in Baltimore, just not for this program.

  4. What the story fails to report is that the Mayor and Council refused help from Governor Hogan as well as the DOJ!

  5. Baltimore is past the poi9nt of no return. Any funds spent there now would just be a waste of good money. Please, just let the place die.

  6. tell Rawlings Blake and the Mosbys to cough up the money for Baltimore! They are the ones that let that cities crime rates jump like they have. Plus the warning was put out ahead of time about sanctuary cities not getting Federal funds...so again tell the ones that made these decisions to cough up the money out of their pockets to make up for those loses....You must give them room to destroy and express themselves!

  7. Maybe Baltimore is being written off.

  8. Good The filth in that city showed there butts so let them suffer the consequences. It's time they paid the price they deserve. They don't want the cops being proactive and scream racism all the time then they will pay the consequences.

  9. Who'd they vote for?

  10. I loved living in Canton, East Baltimore. It was a tradition ukrainian-polish neighborhood. Great community, tons of fun placed. Winchester-Sandtown, however, was scarier than living in Nicaragua (which I did as well). The whole city isn't that bad...


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