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Friday, June 23, 2017

County considers cutting employee, teacher benefits

While most of the Worcester County Commissioners don’t necessarily disagree with the idea of reducing benefits provided to dependents of future county employees, they agreed to take no action Tuesday until they hear what current employees, particularly teachers, think about scaling back some programs.

The change would affect new hires to the county only, and specifically only those hired after a date yet to be determined, though Tuesday’s discussion centered on changing benefits at the start of the next fiscal year on July 1.

County employees, which includes teachers, hired before July 1, 2015 enjoy post-retirement health plans for dependents at a 10 percent cost, and those hired after that date pay 20 percent of the cost.

Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said he wanted to shift the entire cost of the county’s health care plan for dependents to the retired employee.



  1. Look at how much the administrators and support employees are being paid.

    Corruption at its finest!

    1. Actually in Worcester County the pay for administration ranks 23rd out of 24 school districts in Maryland. You should do your homework before you make assumptions.

  2. Yet if you are a county comissioner for two terms you get insurance for the rest of your life. Who voted for these dirt bags.

  3. Seems like a simple exercise of reducing headcount until you have enough money to pay for what's left.

    1. The Worcester County Commisioners have an enormous 'rainy day fund' . They have the money, just don't like to spend it on keeping good teachers for our children.

  4. Cty. employees should learn what the
    AVERAGE American out here has to pay
    for Health Care, and I for one am sick &
    tired of our taxes helping pay for theirs.

  5. A very top heavy organizational structure at BOE. The new group of County Commissioners have not lived up to their election promises to be conservative budget hawks. Virgil a Democrat was tighter with the budget. Fire half of BOE and watch test scores and college placements go up!

    1. Perhaps you should check out how 'top heavy' Worcester BOE is in relation to other counties. Most all Worcester central office employees are pulling double and triple duty when it comes to their job responsibilities.

  6. I now pay 60% and my former employer pays 40% of my retirement insurance.

  7. many frivolous programs could be cut to save dollars.

  8. Why is it ALL BOE's cut teachers but never ever cut the administration where most of the fat in pay is?

    1. Maybe you could tell us when the last time was that Worcester cut teaching positions over admin? Last I checked, the teachers AND central office staff only lost positions in recent times through attrition, not cuts.

  9. Metric is a loud mouth dirtbag! His wife was a school teacher that qualifies for what he wants to take away from new hires. Hypocrisy at its best!

  10. Metric is a loud mouth POS!!!!,..He needs to go. He does more harm than help. He has his money he doesn't give a crap about the citizens of Worcester. A retired employee isn't making as much when they worked full time. So having them pay more into any medical dental and vision family plans are just wrong. People are on a fixed budget. How about a better incentive to kee people working longer in the county and sweeten the retirement incentives.


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