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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Congressman Warns of Rise of ‘Militant Left’ in U.S. Politics

During the June 18 airing of Breitbart News Sunday, Representative Trent Franks (R-AZ) warned of the rise of the “militant left” in U.S. politics.

On June 16, Breitbart News quoted a Daily Caller report which indicated the Alexandria attacker had an “assassination” list in his pocket, a list which contained the name of Rep. Franks.

While a guest on Breitbart News Sunday, Franks said news of the list has been widely reported, and he does not see a need to try to “characterize the list” because “[he] thinks it has already been fairly accurately characterized.” Moreover, he said he did on want to say anything that “impedes the investigation of the Capitol Police or the FBI.” He added, “I want to be sure they have the opportunity to express the character of the list as they choose because they may have important reasons for doing so.”

Franks then shifted focus from the list in order to talk of causal matters. He said that the attack appears to be “premeditated,” which means “we have devolved to a great point in our society now. To the point where the militant left is out there to the extent that they are willing to shoot people.”



  1. At the hands of Soros, Obama, Clinton, etc.

  2. I wonder if this is how the dems felt when that pro life guy shot up the planned parenthood

  3. Wait for false flags of "militant Right" violence; they're coming.

  4. SnowFlake Militants lolol.

  5. There are deranged people out there who will do stupid things, but they aren't trying to influence thoughts of the entire population to think as they do.

  6. Wait.. so, let me see if I got this straight. You want me to believe the people you have been railing on for YEARS, calling libtards, and snowflakes, and crybabies who need safe spaces, special tender folks, who want to take all the guns away...

    THESE people are now scary and militant and are gonna start shooting up everyone?

    Here's what I think.. I think that it is in the medias best interest to keep us scared and keep us divided and keep us watching. It benefits politicians too... keep us divided. Easier to manipulate and control.

    Because really at the end of the day most of us want the same things, and we really are all not that much different.


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