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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Comey Testimony Proves Trump Was Right- MEDIA DEAD WRONG!

The ready written testimony that former FBI Director James Comey is set to talk about during Thursdays morning vindicates President Donald Trump’s assertion that he was told three times that he was not under inquiry or investigation.

At the same time, there are outlets out there like CNN reporting that Comey would dispute that claim.

What was written when Trump fired Comey:

“While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.”



  1. Comey stood by and watched the real obstruction of justice from the Obama administration when real people died. Comey went up and made a fool out of himself last july in the Hillary fiasco. he is nothing more than a political hack. who cares what he thinks. this is only more wasting of time while Rome burns

  2. The only reason this was release one day in advanced is because it was rumored that Trump supporters were trying to protect him by making certain he would not block the testimony at the last second and appear far more guilty of obstruction. They didn't trust him to make the right decision.

  3. They guy keeps admitting he is a weak man and a coward...LOL

  4. Proves Trump is Great and Not Guilty of Any damn thing !!!
    Also proves Comey IS GUILTY of a Federal Crime of Leaking !!


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