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Monday, June 05, 2017

Comey refuses to answer bipartisan questions from senators, saying he's a private citizen

Former FBI director James Comey is formally refusing to answer questions submitted to him by a bipartisan group of senators, suggesting he no longer must do so as a private citizen.

Comey sent an email from his private account last week rebuffing the seven questions that had been submitted to him by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley and the committee’s ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein after Comey’s final testimony as FBI director to the panel last month. Comey was fired by President Donald Trump shortly after his appearance.

Comey's short email specifically cited his status as a private citizen as a reason for declining to answer the questions.

The “private citizen “excuse was considered unusual by the senators since numerous former government officials have testified before Congress in recent weeks.

And Comey himself is appearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee this week, raising senators’ fears he is “venue shopping” to avoid hard questions the Judiciary Committee is likely to ask about the FBI’s use of NSA surveillance data and conflicts between Comey’s past testimony and new evidence in the public domain.

More here


  1. Imagine that. A citizen flexing his rights. More of us should be doing the same.

    1. 925 do you realize how stupid your statement sounds? Consider the fact that Comey illegally surveilled millions of Americans without due process or just cause. He had no problem violating YOUR 4A. Fact is he did it to more Americans than you could ever imagine and then turned around and unmasked their identities to everyone including press. All actions are highly illegal and considered crimes.

      Would you say the same for a mass murderer who pleads the 5th when asked where his victims are buried?

      Your comment is just too stupid to ignore.

  2. Perhaps Comey is afraid of being outed for lying to Congress, a grievous offense. All the smoke screen will soon clear.

    1. Comey is going down and he knows it. He's deep state sacrificial lamb. Bye bye Jimmy the Weasel.

  3. He'll take the fifth like the rest of the scumbags do.

  4. Actually 10:42 AM I hope he does. Just like Lerner and others; to me pleading the 5th is tantamount to an admission of guilt.


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