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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel Responds To Bed Bug Accusations

To our valued guests and Facebook followers, please let us set the record straight. Let us assure everyone that there is no bed bug infestation at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel.

Due to a negative review regarding a bed bug issue, late last night we took down our page in order to calm the wave of responses to that review, and to formulate our response. These are the facts:

From reading Ronda Miller’s review, one gets the impression that this incident occurred recently, when in fact it occurred on February 18, 2017. Ms. Miller checked into a room with adjoining accommodations on February 17, 2017. On the afternoon of February 18, she alerted the front desk that she had found a bed bug. After initial inspection by our Director of Housekeeping one adult bug was found. We moved Ms. Miller and the guest in the adjoining room to other rooms, and took the charge for one night off those bills. We had a licensed pest company inspect the rooms. They also determined that the bug was an adult, and that there was no evidence of any other bed bug activity found in either room. The Health Department was notified and they also inspected and confirmed the same, that there was no bed bug activity in either room. Ms. Miller and the other guest stayed another two nights.

Upon check out, Ms. Miller expressed to me that she wanted her whole stay at no charge (which we refer to as “comped.”) I explained to her that the one night comp per room was given for the inconvenience but that she stayed on another two nights without incident. A short time after her departure, we received communication from Ms. Miller’s attorney which we forwarded to our insurance company.

When the guest review was posted on Saturday, June 10, 2017, there were many who also reviewed us citing their own bed bug situations; however, when we researched these names, some as far away as Alaska, none of those posters have ever stayed here.

To our knowledge, there is still an impending law suit, which prohibits us from further comment about this particular case.
The Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel always strives to exceed our guests’ expectations. Our rooms are treated and inspected twice a year by a licensed pest control company using canines trained in bed bug discovery. Our staff is also trained by this same pest company regularly, and as a preventive measure, we use bed bug covers on our mattresses. Unfortunately, bed bugs are hitchhikers. They move from place to place with travelers, which is how they get into hotel rooms. This doesn’t mean the travelers are doing anything wrong; it’s just how the bugs move.

Again, let us assure everyone that there is no bed bug infestation at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel.

We appreciate our loyal guests commenting and posting about the Clarion Resort in a positive light. Thank you for standing by us.

Clarion Resort Ownership and Management


  1. I WILL NEVER stay their. I don't care when it happened. So nasty. Safer sleeping on a bench.

    1. It's there.. not their you idiot!..

  2. Should have gave a week free and then a long weekend good for a year. Give them paid breakfast kiss their butts. That is how you avoid a PR nightmare. So stupid.

    1. Hmm. Sounds like YOU'VE pulled this scam a time or two.

  3. Problem is (2:24) so many people now, want to have free things
    given to them all the time and businesses get tired of it.
    I think they handled it correctly. Just my 2 cents.

  4. given your grammar and spelling, it seems as though you have spent a lot of time sleeping on benches

  5. This sounds fishy to me. 1 adult? Alive or dead? More than likely it came from Ronda herself trying to get freebies. How many attorneys work on weekends fielding calls from anyone but current clients?

    Either way dunce-skis staying in a hotel is always going to be a risk no matter what.

    I have stayed at Clarion several times a year for the last several decades and I have never had a problem. Ever.

  6. 2:21 and 2:24 you have obviously never run a business. There are always opportunists for whom nothing is good enough. They want a handout or to stir trouble or both. Y'all on this site just spoiling to b---h and bellyache.

  7. Sue the woman for slander. I am glad to see that you didn't cave to her demands.

  8. I'm beginning to think this may be a "there's a fly in my soup" type of scam. (Or a "there's a staple in my salad"; or "there's a roach on my plate" scam.)
    "One adult bed bug."?
    Maybe she brought it with her.
    One bed bug could've been worth 3 or 4 hundred dollars or more on a fully comp'd stay.

  9. Whenever we stay somewhere, I go in and check room for cleanliness and inspected mattress and furniture for bed bugs. Then bring in luggage.

  10. 2:37 right on ,used to own and rent condos there and once in a while you would have people after staying all weekend then want their money back saying it was too noisy or it was dirty.

  11. And we know the hotel is being honest in their statement because...? Simple minds. The pic of that chick's back said there was a lot more than one bed bug roaming around that room. She was eaten up. You people who defend the hotel are disgusting pieces of snot. Pictures are worth a thousand words and I don't see any pictures on the hotel's description. If they even found one bug, where's the damn pic? Bed bugs are like cockroaches, you see one, there's at least 1,000 more hiding. You people are so ignorant and gullible.

    1. That was a stock photo, no doubt.

    2. This hotel is exceptional! I hope this person gets bedbugs in her home an they devour it and her. Shame on you...karma will get you!

  12. Great hotel customer service. Whatever happened to the customer's always right? Cheap bastards are too cheap to get those lights that kill bed bugs but then get all up in a snit when a customer dares to challenge them when bit by several bugs. Wow. I wouldn't stay there now if THEY paid me to. There's other hotels in OC, I'd suggest people find them!

  13. Yes, her back was bitten. How does anyone know WHEN the bits occurred? That one adult male was awfully busy.

  14. To quote Paul Harvey....and that is the rest of the story... :-)

  15. I guess the previous occupant could have brought the bug with them....but when you see an adult bug the odds are very high that there's more where that came from. An adult female lays a dozen or so eggs every night. So until completed treatment their numbers multiple quickly. BUT, who could stay in the same Hotel after a night like that? Not me...free or not!!!!

  16. 2:55 Customers are not always right.

  17. stay there this weekend place was awesome and service was also just another loser trying to get something for free wonder why she did not leave next day

    1. Yup. Kinda like the obamas, once they check in, they take take take then try to cash in afterwards

  18. Sounds like it was a set up I wonder how many times they have tried this scam.

  19. Grammar police is a clear indication of cover up. The victims back looked disgusting.. obviously the manger is on here proving the point of the victims.

  20. Sounds like a scam. She brought the bedbug along with her, stashed it away so she could get the free night. Then she decides to stay two extra nights. And then complain about it 4 months later? Clarion better lawyer up and squish this freeloader. She is probably the stereotypical type of person who complains about everything trying to get something for free, you know the type. Typical.

    2:55 has it correct. Customers aren't always right. A lot are stupid. Ask anyone who has worked in the services industry.

  21. 2:53 PM

    She removed the post from her fb page
    Do you have proof that was HER back??

  22. Truth is, no one know whose telling the truth. In reality this is bad for the hotel because the optics suck regardless of whether the customer is telling the truth or not. I seem to recall everyone getting their panties all in a bunch when a guy who belligerently wouldn't get off a plane got dragged off and all you kids were screaming lawsuit and cheering that passenger on. Once we saw the whole video, many tunes changed because the guy was a tool, but in the onset it appeared he was dealt with physically for just non-compliance. It wasn't until the whole video was shown that we heard him screaming before they ever laid a hand on him.

    I know all you armchair lawyers and naysayers love to diss on anything and everything, probably because you have nothing to do in Mayberry but pick your noses and turn them up to everyone else, but it really would be a mad idea for you to find something better to do with your time. At the end of the day you have no idea who's right or who's wrong. Does it really matter to you local yocals? It's not like you're going to stay at a place in OC, you live here, morons. Those bed bugs won't getcha.

    1. I live in princess Anne but go to OC to stay so I don't get a dui and enjoy the morning sunrise. Take your insults elsewhere... you know that NASA is down here (literally, rocket scientists)? They enjoy the night life too... you people

  23. Obviously the manager is on here attacking anyone. Very sad the hotel CYBER BULLYING staff thinks it's ok. Based on the harassing messages I won't stay at this Hotel. I'll be sure to tell the STATES ATTORNEYS annual conference to go elsewhere. Thank you.

  24. 90% of the losers on here couldnt afford the clarion

  25. There is no way to tell if the bedbugs came in her luggage, as is the primary way they move from hotel to hotel.
    Maybe they attacked her back at her own home.
    I've rented to scum before, and they always blame the innkeeper about their own bad hygiene.

  26. My money is betting she brought the bug in so that she could get free accommodations. There are people who always want the best but at no cost.

  27. Tadda, even though they got the major shoot down still some idiots are all up on their soapboxes because they think they have to have their say. Sing away. Quack Quack.

  28. The FACT that this was MONTHS AGO is all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  29. Sad thing for Clarion is that people in DC and Baltimore read this blog, too. They look at this and think, why take the risk? When you have kids two things make your skin crawl: lice and bed bugs. Clarion should've just made the whole incident go away. Its not like they're not making premium even during off-season rates. They should've given her what she wanted and sent her on her way. Now people who travel to the area don't know whose zooming who but at the rates the Clarion charges in the summer, who wants to take a $300 chance. Not too bright.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This sounds fishy to me. 1 adult? Alive or dead? More than likely it came from Ronda herself trying to get freebies. How many attorneys work on weekends fielding calls from anyone but current clients?

    Either way dunce-skis staying in a hotel is always going to be a risk no matter what.

    I have stayed at Clarion several times a year for the last several decades and I have never had a problem. Ever.

    June 12, 2017 at 2:37 PM

    I had the same thought. I'm not accusing anyone of anything but there is the possibility of someone bring a bug with them in an attempt to attain money or services.

    If I found a bug I would not stay another two nights in the same hotel. I would itch just thinking about it.

    Only ONE bug? Sounds like someone was trying to get a free ride.

    1. What about the law suit of racial discrimination and hostile work environment? I didn't go to well for the dr.

  31. Has anyone ever seen the Clarions laundry facility? It is a filthy stink hole. Sheets and towels are piled up on the dirty wet floor in the lower bowels of the place. It's a wonder more problems haven't occurred before this. They probably have but we just don't know.

  32. it's oc! look at the class of people who are attracted to come there. They are so cheap they would balk if it were free!

  33. Some of these comments are hilarious...planting bugs for a free night stay is the best...

  34. I stayed there several years ago and got bites on the back of my knees and ankles. I went to the doctor and he agreed it was bed bugs. I only stayed one night. The bites don't come out till the next day and then they get worse. I called there but they told me it was fleas. Dogs don't stay on the fifth floor, they are assigned to the bottom floor.

    1. They stay on the 3rd floor but patrons sneak them to other floors all the time. The bottom flooright is the pool floors.
      Ex employee

  35. Just another idiot dumbocrat wanting someone else to pay their bill. Then of course, another 10 cent lawyer to take her case. They are both IDIOTS! Hotel responded fine. We all need to stand up to these freeloaders.

  36. I wonder ....who is the 10 cent attorney?

  37. I worked for the Clarion Fountainblu in OC.....they were a great employer and always sided for the customer. If they didn't this time it is because it is suspicious. I know for a fact that if there is a adult bedbug, you will ALWAYS find nits <---babies! on the bed too. She most likely brought them in with her and typically the bites show up a day or two later. The pic shown was caused from MANY bedbugs not just one! There are scammed and I worked the front desk at the time and saw them working constantly. We always gave them what they wanted whether we felt they were right or wrong. I can tell you that this is more than likely a scammer because a person in their right mind with that many bites would have gone to another hotel.

    1. What about the law suit in federal court? What are your feelings on it? Very derogatory names were used in the allegations! I believe the former employee won?

  38. Did you guys really think the hotel would come out and affirm they have bed bugs during the only time of the year they actually make a profit? They're not stupid.

  39. 1024 the more I read the lawsuit that was in Federal Court the more I'm disgusted. I'm surprised NAACP isn't marching everyday in front of the NO TELL MOTEL... shameful. (FYI I'm using internet short hand)

  40. Canine Detection and Inspection Services
    Canine Detection and Inspection Services (CDIS) is a reputable, highly-trained group of professionals you can rely on for timely and accurate bed bug inspection services.
    CDIS guarantees to arrive at your property with a discreet, clean, healthy and professionally trained bed bug detection dog.
    Our certified canine handlers and bed bug detection dogs train on scent discrimination every day in order to provide you with cutting edge bed bug inspection services.
    We have the largest team of NESDCA certified handlers located in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana.

    CDIS is an inspection and detection company only and does not provide bed bug treatment services.
    We believe this independent review provides a great value to our clients as we do not have a vested interest in the outcome of each inspection.
    We are an unbiased, third-party advocate that can provide you with actionable data to help you make decisions for your property.

  41. Touche. Sound arguments. Keep up the good spirit.


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