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Monday, June 19, 2017

Civil Rights Commission Launches Investigation into Trump Admin

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights says it is launching a two-year “comprehensive assessment” into the Trump administration, in light of proposed budget cuts and staff eliminations that it says will cause the civil rights of people of color, the LGBT community, and other “marginalized” groups to be at risk.

According to a press release, the commission, which was created in 1957 as an independent agency that advises Congress and the president on civil rights matters, unanimously approved the investigation.

The press statement says the commission is especially concerned with what it perceives as the Department of Justice “minimizing its civil rights efforts” by placing ICE officers in courthouses and by not emphasizing the need for protection for the LGBT community or the disabled.

In the Department of Education, the commission says the proposed budget and staffing cuts in the Office for Civil Rights will affect those filing complaints based on sex, race, and other specially protected class categories.

Proposed staffing and budget cuts, and mergers of various offices in the Departments of Labor, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services will all have a negative impact on the federal government’s job to monitor civil rights compliance efforts, says the commission.

More here


  1. A two-year attempt to extend the campaign of baseless accusations and distraction. A clear attempt to influence the 2018 election.

    Done at taxpayer expense, of course..

  2. Sounds to me like an Congressionally funded entity that needs to be defunded. Congress, do your jobs here.

  3. What about investigating the last eight years of obama destruction of the middleclass and the clintons slush fund.

  4. Placing ICE officers in court IS Protecting All American Citizens!

  5. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) is an independent federal agency!

    Doesn't the Trump Administration have the balls to defund them?

  6. Anonymous said...
    What about investigating the last eight years of obama destruction of the middleclass and the clintons slush fund.

    June 19, 2017 at 8:29 PM

    It doesn't fit their narrative!

  7. Oh my God, LIBERALS give it a break. Poor President Trump can't even go to the bathroom without you a--holes wanting to get someone to investigate it.

  8. This is not becoming a joke, it is a joke. Stand your ground, Mr. President! Jealousy can't harm you in any way..lol

  9. So white isn't a color? Good to know we still have racists in government.

  10. This administration is merely performing a "cleansing" from the previous administration that gave cookies to groups of people who other wise would not find a position in the private sector. I am not necessarily blaming the former POTUS but there were plenty of people of color and LGBT already on staff and they needed to shore up their ranks. Obama, a puppet in his own right, turned a blind eye.

  11. Stop giving special privileges to all these idiotic groups. If they supposedly want equal treatment then they need to be like everyone else NO special BS.


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