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Friday, June 09, 2017

Civil Asset Forfeiture: Another Stealth Tax

When you're a government agency, asking for a tax increase is always a hassle.

For the most part, taxpayers don't like taxes, and if asked if they want to pay more, they're likely to often say "no."

Moreover, when public officials pass tax increases, they may face the wrath of taxpayers at the ballot box.

For this reason, governments are always looking for ways to get revenue without having to use tax revenue. After all, if taxes are the government's only source of revenue, this presents a problem. As noted by Ludwig von Mises in Omnipotent Government:

The government has but one source of revenue — taxes. No taxation is legal without parliamentary consent. But if the government has other sources of income it can free itself from this control.



  1. That's how law enforcement agency's can get new equipment and cars by seizing your property if someone in your home got caught with drugs. Same way if you cannot come up with the money to pay your yearly taxes, they take your home and put it up for auction. Should be illegal. Estate tax as well. You paid taxes throughout your life on earnings and property that you made. It isn't right your should be taxed on this a second time after your die denying your children inheritance that is due to them or to help pay your final expenses!

  2. It is NOTHING BUT HIGHWAY ROBBERY, conducted by armed government agents who will kill you for resisting as they take the $5000 in cash you had in your glove box for tour vacation in Vegas.
    No charges.
    No trial.
    No evidence of any crime.
    So, unless you want a 9mm clip emptied into your head, hand over the money or else.
    There is no other description for it than robbery.
    Just because someone wears a badge while doing it doesn't make it right, either. Another reason to carry a gun with maximum penetrating rounds.

  3. So far I see two comments and they both feel the same way I do the governments people are the crooks. Simple solution stop wasting money.

  4. Government Will find a way to take everything you have and leave you penniless..the reason we left England and came here was freedom and the revolution was about taxes and tarriffs..where are the people willing to fight now for tax relief...Well the goverment silently comes in and audits robs and slaves them out so they have no time or money to fight them...Trump needs to deliver on the tax reform..or he's going to lose the slim chance he does have to win..


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