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Friday, June 16, 2017

Carlini found guilty of felony theft, gets four years in jail

Joseph Carlini, the owner of the former Fat Fish restaurant, was sentenced to four years in prison last week in Circuit Court for stealing appliances from a house he was living in Berlin.

After hours of arguments on June 8, a jury deliberated for 17 minutes before it reached a decision. Carlini was taken into custody immediately after the guilty verdict was read.

Carlini, 38, was charged last February after he and his family moved out of a house he rented. A Maryland State Police investigation was conducted after the property owner reported that home appliances valued between $1,000 and $10,000 were stolen.

Judge Thomas Groton III ruled that there was not enough evidence to establish restitution amount for the appliances, but instructed Carlini and the State’s Attorney Office to discuss possible payments. If an agreement is not reached by next week, a restitution hearing will be scheduled.



  1. What about the appliances he didn't pay the owner of Fratelli's for, and later sold on Craigslist after his sham business folded? What about the illegal, under the table employees who were taken advantage of and never paid, and the taxes never collected? And finally, what about the fact that carlini was violating previous court orders? Sounds like he got off easy once again!

  2. This slimeball will never pay restitution to anybody he owes people hundreds of thousands of dollars from the first time he spent in jail for a Ponzi scheme in Montgomery County


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