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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Breaking News: A Milwaukee policeman was the latest officer to be acquitted in a fatal shooting

The case last August touched off two days of protests.

The outcome was announced after less than 10 hours of deliberations in a case that was closely watched in Milwaukee. Jurors had been sequestered since June 13.


  1. God is good and will ALWAYS have the back of the good and the righteous.

  2. Let me guess the Russians hacked the jury?

  3. MICHIGAN is FULL of Radical Muslims F A C T.
    Google Dearborn MI.

  4. Just the Beginning.

  5. 501
    God sent his SON to die a horrible death so that we all can enter the Kingdom of Heaven after our deaths.
    That is what God (the Father) did.

    I don't recall anything at all in that story about having someone's back.

  6. Islams war in America is Coming we the people will NOT Allow Islam to take over.

  7. "Anonymous said...

    God sent his SON to die a horrible death so that we all can enter the Kingdom of Heaven after our deaths.
    That is what God (the Father) did.

    I don't recall anything at all in that story about having someone's back.

    June 21, 2017 at 6:03 PM"

    Of course you wouldn't "recall anything." You have to be a REAL Christian to know that God ALWAYS stands behind the good and the just. You pretend Christians are too much. Your nonsense that you hear in your fake churches with the devil in disguise "pastors" won't fly around here. Oh no it won't. Now let me set you straight so listen up and listen up good or risk burning in hell with the rest of the fake Christians-we will not ALL enter Heaven no matter what your fake pathetic lying devil pastors say. Only those who confess and change their evil ways will.

  8. Of course you wouldn't "recall anything." You have to be a REAL Christian to know that God ALWAYS stands behind the good and the just. You pretend Christians are too much. Your nonsense that you hear in your fake churches with the devil in disguise "pastors" won't fly around here. Oh no it won't. Now let me set you straight so listen up and listen up good or risk burning in hell with the rest of the fake Christians-we will not ALL enter Heaven no matter what your fake pathetic lying devil pastors say. Only those who confess and change their evil ways will.

    June 21, 2017 at 7:40 PM

    I didn't even read your whole comment, the first couple of sentences were enough. Do you think you are being a so called good Christian by what you said to that person?

    At a time when we are having so much division and hate in the country/world, we don't need more even in the smallest of things. IMO.


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