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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Brave Police Save Town From Man Selling Veggies

It is the simplest, most basic aspect of life: you need food, so you grow some vegetables. If you have extra you sell them on a street corner to your neighbors, and if you live in California you get arrested for it.

Licensing is when the government takes a right from you, and sells it back. This California man failed to purchase his rights back from the state.

But the poor police had pictures taken of them while arresting the man, and now they are hearing from the public about their unjust actions.

The Sheriff’s Department of Alameda County Florida responded on Facebook to the public outrage, including thousands of criticisms posted to their Facebook page.

Selling food on street corners violates county ordinances and public health codes. Persistent street vending harms local businesses, especially small, start-up food vendors…

There you have it, from the horse’s mouth in plain black and white: the point of licenses is protection. You pay to play, if you don’t pay off the city and county, they will send their hired thugs to rough you up and demand the protection money.



  1. They follow the law. Not their fault that our leaders create stupid laws. I'm sure a neighbor complained.

    1. They follow the law as it applies to others, otherwise alot of cops would have to write themselves alot of tickets for speeding and failure to signal before turning.

  2. It's very similar to paying off the mob for protection back in the days of Queen's NY.

  3. don't blame the Law Enforcement Officers - blame the voters who put the Officials in charge to approve laws without reading or giving thought to the consequences.

  4. that's california. where the rest of us are headed!

  5. I'll bet illegals who are protected by the sanctuary laws wouldn't have any trouble selling vegetables, or marijuana, or heroine, or meth, or crack, or guns, or children, or ...

  6. 6:18 and 7:19 are you just that stupid??? I would say yeah you are... Cops have discretion, and can use it at will, but when it comes to the regular citizen they are "just following orders" or the typical "I just enforce the laws" yet I see cops break the law at least once a day, yet I don't see any cops stopping those cops for breaking the law... So yes there is a double standard... Just because you are to stupid to see it or care, just proves why there is a divide with cops and citizens... Cops don't help or protect you anymore, they just enforce corporation laws to take from you, and get implied immunity to do so... That is why you have people who record cops interactions, or known as cop blockers... They do it to protect the citizen and shoe you there is a double standard... Laws for you and no laws for cops... And yes, it is also the politicians fault, but it is your fault as a voter who let them do pass such laws and ordinances... And it is also the cops fault becasue again, they have discretion and can say, forget this stupid ordnance, this guy isn't hurting anyone, I will just give him a warning or leave him alone but NO they go right in for the ticket first time every time... Hell some people don't know laws or ordinances how could you there are so many and new ones being passed every day...

    1. 8:04. You took the long route to fist disagree with 6:18 and 7:19, even insulting them, to then say they are right. Try to minimize your future rants. Also, CHILL!

  7. Kind of like the second amendment.


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