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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Book Deal Offered to Disgraced Former FBI Director

By Thornton Crowe

That didn't take long. James Comey offered $10M by an unnamed publisher to write the dirt on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

There's only one glaring problem...

As he's about to learn the hard way, in his capacity as a former FBI Director, he is bound by law to keep investigation details and other privileged information confidential. Oopsy Daisy.

Should he take such a deal and attempt to write some spin on it, the people involved will have to sign off on it. Releases will need to be signed by both Clinton and Trump as well as the legal departments at the White House and the Department of Justice. Additionally, would his best friend forever Mueller be happy about this, considering now his situation is precarious given Comey's love tap during hist testimony.

Could calling the President a liar put the kibosh on Jimmy the Weasel's big cash in? Abso-frigging-lutely! Hence, why even if you're fired and disgruntled, it's always a better track to take high roads rather than wallow in Mudville.

Guess, like so many things these days, we'll just have to wait to see how it all shakes out. However, if I were Big Jim, I wouldn't be cashing any publisher advances or contracts just yet.

Why? Because you can't profit from such things while you're incarcerated, especially if it involves the subject matter like the crimes which led you to such incarceration.

Jimmy should've done his homework!


  1. Leave it to rats and weasels to try to get money like this. I don't know if he'll do it. It might scare him. You know his constitution isn't very strong. He gets confused a lot. He might have a really hard time writing anything down with any coherency. He could use the money. His criminal defense lawyers will be expensive.

  2. Will his book be full of redactions? What's the point?

  3. LOL 1001 a book of black pages. Now that'll be a hit! It'll be in the dollar bin within a month.

  4. Common Sense with your CoffeeJune 10, 2017 at 10:04 AM

    God knows they don't want him to write on law, unless it's a how-to book on being corrupt and turning an apolitical agency into a political one.

  5. Poor Comey. Who will hire him? Would anyone want that working for them? Don't know many people who would knowingly hire someone like James Comey so his earning potential is pretty limited. Maybe he should learn how to work a licenses plate press, if you get my drift.

  6. He's on everyone's sh** list. His t-shirt should say Comey on it, not Hillary. It's still funny tho.

  7. FBI Directors NEVER go to jail. They have too much classified, illegally collected dirt on judges and politicians. And like Comey already admitted under oath, he will selectively and secretly release (leak) classified "notes" to the press for political gain or self preservation.

  8. He is history. If the Clinton Mafia / Obama "shadow government" don't get him some one else will. It will happen like the "mysterious sudden death" of Supreme Court Judge. If he survives these two will be because Soros / Obama "shadow government" has hired him.

  9. Should have been fired on day one.


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