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Friday, June 23, 2017

Black Lives Matter Disrupts Another Pride Parade, Injuring Four Police Officers

The Left always eats its own, but its embrace of totalitarian, violent tactics can make such developments anything but encouraging. For example, in Columbus, Ohio, over the weekend four police officers were injured as Black Lives Matter interfered with a Pride parade:

Over the weekend, several Black Lives Matter protesters attempted to block a Pride parade in Columbus, Ohio. When police responded, they reportedly resisted arrest, and one suspect tried to disarm an officer, leaving several officers injured, the Columbus Division of Police said.

Four demonstrators now face charges ranging from disorderly conduct to aggravated robbery over Saturday’s confrontation.

Showing up for Justice Columbus, a group that organizes “white people to take action to fight white supremacy,” wrote on Twitter that the demonstrators were “disrupting Pride” to protest Friday’s acquittal of the Minnesota police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile last year.

“Today myself and a group of other queer and trans PoC [People of Color] (and allies) staged a silent, peaceful protest in the middle of the pride parade to highlight the lack of support for queer POC trans folk within our community and the larger lgbtqia community,” Stephanie Ewen, one of the Black Lives Matter protesters, said in a statement on Facebook.



  1. Black lives matter is the same as the KKK the only difference is the media condones them.

  2. Perhaps bring back the gladiator games; turn these groups loose on each other and test survival of the fittest. Can you imagine the biting, kicking, scratching, and pulling of hair?

  3. Take Black Lives Matter back to the inmate who dreamed it up and coined the phrase you are done no one even wants to hear from this group anymore---a new sheriff is in town and the name is TRUMP.

  4. Shoot 'um Liz.....

  5. I use to take my son to school.We lived a half a mile from school and he was on the bus for an hour (kindergartener) may be just maybe not many are boarding the buses of they live that close

  6. Thugs VS Homos, WOW, ESPN should pick this up!! I think I know who would win.


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