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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Baltimore Public Schools Lay Off 115 On Thursday

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — 115 Baltimore City Public Schools staff members are being notified Thursday that they will be laid off, for the first time in a decade as the school system try to balance a 1.3 billion-dollar budget for next year.

Only 13 classroom teachers were among the layoffs, with 32 of the staff members working in the district and the remaining 68 in non-teaching positions among 83 schools.

The original budget cuts considered laying off over 1,000 employees, but officials were able to get that number down to 115. School district officials say guidance counselors and librarians were the ones cut.

Thursday, the 115 were met in the classrooms and offices, handed a green folder, offered counseling and told they’d be let go.



  1. Why is it you never see those in administrative positions cut where the most savings per person could be achieved? In the schools it is always those on the lower pay scale cut!

    1. 24 asst. principals from total of 39 administrators.

  2. 1000 to 115. Yep, guidance counselors and librarians - the true ROOT of declining grades/test scores, yep yep.

    Lack of accountability is mind boggling in today's society.

  3. Sanctuary city's seem to fail.

  4. It's cities, not city's. English language skill failings are not limited to sanctuary city school attendees, it seems.

  5. Baltimore is broken; thank you democrats. Don't forget, Baltimore was the recipient of $1 Billion (yes that is with a B) in Obama stimulus; hmmmmm...where did it go. Guarantee the folks never saw any of it.


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