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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Baltimore Nearing 160 Homicides Less Than Halfway Through 2017

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The number of murders continues to sky rocket in Baltimore after six people are killed in less than 24 hours.

Baltimore is closing in on 160 homicides, not even halfway through the year.

Police are beefing up patrols and canvassing neighborhoods.

WJZ’s Rick Ritter spoke with some residents who said they’re scared to come forward and go to police because they’re afraid they too could be gunned down.

The blood shed is hard to fathom. Six people killed in hours, one of them, Sebastian Dvorak, just turned 27.



  1. That's the only place in Baltimore where people aren't dying.

  2. Baltimore like Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country......Gee how's that working out? It's time for the Governor to call a state of emergency and send in the National Guard for a while. It's obvious the Baltimore government can't control the problem. This isn't something new. It's been getting progressively worse over the past couple of years.

  3. Aren't 99% of the people killed with guns not carrying themselves? As removing guns from everyone is impossible....

  4. I think we can beat the Guinness Book this year! Keep shooting and pass the ammunition!

  5. Not surprising. The police can not be proactive by getting guns off the street for fear of being made into the criminal themselves. The fact is the residents grew it and now this is the result. They have no one to blame but themselves. They made a martyr out of a thug who was selling the poison that is causing most if not all of the violence.

  6. Once again gun laws help the criminal element.So many of the people in bmore have records they have no incentive to not commit crimes, and the good people have to hide in thier homes and run to thier cars in fear of thier lives.I lived in south bmore, it's a wasteland, even in the early eighties it was somewhat livable and decent people lived there, now drugs n thugs.Every street worthless trash.When I moved I had a haul that said Hawaii and one of the thugs asked if I drove it from there? Yeah I traversed the Pacific in a uhaul.lol.

  7. It's a shame. Before O'Malley was mayor and ruin the city Baltimore was a very cool place to go and hang out. Now, it's just a combat zone. Nice going.

    1. Kurt Schmoke really killed baltimore, he was the first black mayor and crime skyrocketed, killing because of drugs was all over the city after him.I think the democratic mayors were just there for money.Shore people hate Schaefer but that man cared about Baltimore, after him it was over.

  8. stay out of Baltimore...

  9. Charmed City!!!!


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