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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Another Sexual Assault Occurred At Hartley Hall Nursing Home!

Court date is June 30th. 
Police served Peace Orders Monday.


  1. By the same man?????

  2. If his family won't move him, then just close it and they'll have no choice. Does not need to go to a different nursing home though, he needs to be in a psychiatric unit at ESHC.

  3. You have no idea what is involved in closing a nursing home. You must have state and federal approval as well as action plans for each resident. Cost are astronomical.

  4. A different man,and a different employee!

  5. 3:51 PM, You have any idea what it is costing these employees having to work with perverts? Let it keep happening and they will have to close because they won't have any employees. Would you want to work there if you were a female? I think not.

  6. They better get him out of there. This time ,I understand that it's another man.
    I hope they locked him up.

  7. In response to 3:51, when you speak of cost, I can't believe that the board members do not see how the facility is being robbed by the people who are in charge. Not to mention how absolutely filthy the place is. The floors look like they've never been cleaned. The walls are all smudged and dirty. This is supposed to be the patient's home. What an insult to the elderly population who are spending their golden years there. The facility gives an unspoken message which is they do not take pride of the place. Obviously, instead of amitting actual rehab patients, they admit more mentally challenged men than actually rehab patients. Don't take my word, walk through the place, it's Horrible Hall.

  8. They must have some residents who shoyld be at ECI instead. They are criminals who shouldn't be in there.

  9. The charges don't show sexual assault and if any of the patients seem to be a threat why go in the room alone?

  10. I say as many people as can should all get together and protest in front of Hartley Hall Nursing Home.
    If we could do this ,it might would wake up some of the board members that are more concerned
    about money than their staff and residents.


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