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Saturday, June 10, 2017

And This Is Living Proof America Is Screwed


  1. With the MSM supported government, it's not the crime that should be illuminated but the cover up. We saw that with the illegal servers and Benghazi. the organized coverup was a bigger story.

  2. If nothing else during Comey's testimony, he exposed the MSM as purveyors of fake news. Totally busted them. Now, it is my opinion that Trump fired Comey over his lack of ability to turn over evidence for Hillary to be prosecuted. Why would he fire Comey over the "Russian" thing? Nothing to see there. The new director is described as a pit bull and I think job 1 is to go after the Clintons.

  3. The swamp stands with the Clinton's so it's going to be hard prosecuting her.

  4. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreJune 10, 2017 at 9:32 AM

    921 if you're going to be complacent and just keep thinking this, you get the government you deserve. It's only when the people rear up and reject the swamp and demand it be eradicated will you get the government you want!

  5. My sentiments exactly anyone else would have been tried and serving time, this is a Trump campaign promise I wish he would definitely do.But I bet before it would get that far, the news would be she is to (sick) to stand trial. All those incidents of her falling down and being "out of it" would be some big diagnosis for pity.

  6. The Clinton's are above the law.

  7. It's because she's a Clinton and she and her husband have dirt on everyone in their party, going back 40 years. Many suspect that they are a part of the curious deaths of over fifty of their business and political associated over that period, which might give pause to someone who wants to out them.

  8. 10:20-- The # as I understand it is closer to 80 people that caught the terminal Clinton flu & died.

  9. You would think that people would learn after 2 terms of failed Democrat Leadership from a fraud that isn't even a U.S. resident that they would be smart enough to not vote for another fraud.

    Whelp, there you have it, only in America.

    This is the product of open borders!!

  10. Dear cheerleaders,

    Why isn't she prosecuted?
    The answer has been right in front of your eyes. They don't try to hide it or sugarcoat it so your feelings aren't hurt or you don't become alarmed.
    They couldn't care less about what you think of the one thing, above all else, that keeps them rich and happy (and free) -----
    You and I (we, the people) go to prison, get humiliated, become penniless.
    THEY buy another house on the coast of Hawaii.
    And you cannot stop cheering!!!
    Its unreal.

  11. The three of them need to go down together. Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea have all participated in all the crimes, and need to be prosecuted as a conspiracy. It's too simple not to do, and I'm sure there are more involved than just the three of them.


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