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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Agree or Disagree?


  1. Puritanical silliness. If men go topless, then so can women. Nothing shameful or dirty about the body.

  2. Two totally different things and everyone knows this. It's complete ignorance to try to say they are the same. Just ask most men.....

  3. @9:22

    If you don't think women are seeing men the same way that men see women, you don't really know much about women....

  4. 9:42 I am a woman. Come on, stop with the pc nonsense. Most men look at women's breasts in a sexual way. It's not rocket science. It's too bad that you can't handle the truth.

  5. "Much ado about nothing.."

  6. It isn't our call! IT IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!! Want the law changed do it the correct way!!!!

    Maryland cases describe the main elements of indecent exposure as:
    The willful and intentional exposure of one’s private parts (genitals, buttocks, or female breasts)
    In a public place and
    In the presence of others.

  7. 10:28 AM - The law is unconstitutional. 9:11 AM is correct. This is puritanical nonsense.

  8. 1023 - AGREED! Some tabloid fluff to get the season started! Plus most care about the witch hunt show CONgress is doing right now.

    Talk about Real NONSENSE!!!!

  9. So those commenting on here that say it should be ok for women to go topless, would you be ok with your children seeing other women topless? Would you be ok with your little boy looking at things of that nature online? If so that is fine, I just want to make sure we aren't being hypocritical.

  10. Then why not total nudity? If we are all the same, etc.??
    Prudish nonsense??
    This ain't Europe, and for the record, they don't have anything that impresses me anyway. What IS it with people that think they need to be naked, or partially naked in front of everyone?? And want to travel to do it, too???
    If you like it that much, get a stripper job and collect some dollars.
    Of course, most of the people wanting to go topless have front and back boobs, and a front and back arse. You WANT to show that off???
    And fight on the beach? That's going to happen, too.
    Man! Ocean City!
    A gang banging, fist fighting, stabbing, alcohol crazy, family oriented sex show! A place where you want your 8-9 boys and girls frolicking on the beach next to a 380 lb woman with a fetish for exposing herself. And answering their inevitable questions.
    Keep cheering as you are told that things that are different are really the same.
    You fall for everything else they tell you --- go ahead and fall for that one, too.

  11. @12:12 Imclain

    You mentioned a whole host of topics.. most of which aren't relevant to the topic.

    So, it seems you oppose toplessness at the beaches. Is that men and women? Or is it just women?

    And if it's just women... why?

    Try and stay focused... on topic.

  12. LOL! @12:12 Imclain ...Yet people (men and women both) are subject to 380LB men with MOOBS !!

    This doesn't have to be a big deal, bodies are bodies, if a person wants to lay topless on a beach, so be it, if it isn't for you, don't look period or don't go to "THAT" section of the beach.

  13. As a woman I have no problem with this. Life is not fair. Stop complaining about nonsense.

  14. Not in France !!!

  15. Bottom-Less is Allowed and has been (Thongs up the behind )

    (Slim Bikini's ) So why Not Topless too ???? May as well

  16. !8 to 35 only should be allowed ....reserve section of
    beach near Assateague island !!! OC stick in the Muds !!!

  17. I'm focusing on not seeing your momma on the beach.

  18. What disgusts me isnt the idea of seeing breast on the beach- which my only question is why?- however I am so sad to read so much hate and disrespect toward each other- if a disaster hit these are the people you'd have to depend on? With so much ugliness I think we have much bigger concerns in front of us than droopy breast on the beach- the fact that we are ready to tear each other apart over something so stupid makes me want a new community- reality check needed- apply anywhere people live. Can we go back to the treat others the way you want to be treated- if this was practiced- would this post be an issue... i wonder?


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