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Saturday, June 03, 2017

Didn't Age Well...

This Tweet hasn't aged well...


  1. I should dare it has not. Why did London ever elect this idiot is a complete mystery. They couldn't find some limy bloke to run for office?

  2. What the hell is a mainstream Muslim? If they follow the Koran, then infidels die. Not too much wiggle room in that hat trick.

  3. When will they learn...Trump is always right.

  4. LOL - LOLOLOLOLOL Liberalism at its best....LOL

  5. The ignorant view is one you don't want to see. These animals are doing what they want and if opposed they terrorize your country and others. You should be asking why, could it be because you and your liberal attitudes have fostered the feeling of supremacy over the Christian religon and others and their murderous ways to force their will on others. That "Mayor of London, is the ignorant view!

  6. Any alienated mainstream muslims in the US offended are welcome to leave. No one is keeping you here or would be crying croc tears at your departure. Bye. Bye. Here's your hat, what's your hurry?

  7. How much more innocent blood must be shed to make these idiots realize Muslims are born killers and need to be exterminated like Rats!

  8. When will those idiots in London wake up and realize they have elected a mayor who wants them dead?

  9. The 'mainstream muslims' haven't seemed to be heling much to stop the slaughter of innocents who wrongly welcomed them to their once peaceful nation.

  10. A wise man (Maro Polo) once said that one can instantly tell the moderate muslim from the radical muslim. The moderate muslim is the one who holds the feet of the non-muslim as the radical muslim is the one with the knife doing the decapitation.


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