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Sunday, June 18, 2017

A BIOLOGICAL Mother AND Father Lost A Child To Cancer

You all know I have been doing this Blog thing for a lot of years now. It never ceases to amaze me just how ignorant some people can be. However, I seem to be one of the few out there willing to put my name on the line to go after some of those people who act like fools.

From day one I have published the unfortunate situation with Brooke Mulford. While there have been literally thousands of Facebook posts put up about Brooke over the years, we were careful to only publish updates the local public needed to know.

Throughout this unfortunate experience we also watched Brooke's parents split up and divorce, none of which was published here. Why, because it was none of your damn business on either side. 

The next thing we knew, Amy and Brooke were moving to New Jersey. Like any divorce, there's child support and health insurance payments that were vital to Brooke and Amy's survival. 

We have witnessed some of the most hateful comments during that time, all of which we rejected. However, even after the latest news of Brooke's passing we are still getting the same hateful comments and this is why I chose to publish this article. 

A Mother AND Father just lost their child. Not just Amy or Rob alone. Look, I too am divorced. While my ex wife and I may not see eye to eye on our lifestyle changes ever since we split up, when it comes to OUR children, they are #1 in our lives and always will be. I couldn't imagine losing any one of my children. However, I will say this. Much like Rob, my ex wife chose to relocate, making it very difficult on me to spend quality time with my kids. No excuses but my job and upbringing was to be a PROVIDER. Twenty some odd years ago my child support payments were $2,759.58 per month. I also had to provide health insurance above and beyond that and I didn't have a child with cancer where my payments were thousands of dollars a month!

So some people have come on here ragging on Rob Mulford saying he didn't pay properly, that's a LIE. They also claim he didn't spend enough time with Brooke. The key reason Rob sent out his thank you message was because his patrons knew what Rob was up against and became regulars. This support truly helped Rob afford to make the massive monthly payments for support and insurance. 

While Rob wanted to spend more time with his Daughter, PROVIDING was his #1 priority. Rob knew Brooke would be well cared for and dearly loved by her Mother, Rob went to work and visited as often as humanly possible. Let's also not forget the two major storms that came in and destroyed Market Street Inn. Rob not only had the financial problems at that time to rebuild, he had to be there to complete that process twice. 

So what I want to say to all of you is this. Don't you ever act like Rob didn't or doesn't LOVE his Daughter. You might say Rob has several Wives when you add Market Street Inn and MoJo's. 

So get the hell off your high horses and that goes for Jake Day as well. The Boy Mayor only mentions Amy and Brooke and never mentions Rob Mulford in anything. 


  1. *mic drop*....very well said.

  2. Over the past 74 years of my life I've seen religion slip away slowly.
    It is now at the breaking point of what we stand for and our values.
    This little girl and her parents are a true testimony of this. People just don't care because they don't believe in God. I know we have had non believers for along time , but we are experiencing a multitude of resistance.
    May God have mercy on your souls .

  3. It goes back to that old saying my parents taught me many years ago, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all”.
    Which is why you’ve only had maybe 3 comments from me as long as you’ve published this blog.
    Thanks for the Insight.

  4. The Milford lost a child, a marriage, and probably so much more that we'll never know about. I have prayed for Amy, Rob and Brook for years. They and their family and friends have been through so much. God bless them, give them grace, and grant them peace.Amen. May God soften the hearts of those who who attack during this sad and tragic time.

  5. When you have nothing good to say then say nothing at all. I personally didn't know every detail but I as well as everyone else has no right to pass judgement. I'm sure he did his best. This little girl knew the love of both her parents even with the distance between them. Everyone made sacrifices for Brooke. They are both outstanding parents. We judge because all we ever really saw was Amy which really doesn't mean anything. My opinion

  6. Joe, thanks so much for saying what I was thinking. So many people blog on your site with no first hand knowledge of the people they try to slander. It's disgusting!
    We all live in glass houses so don't throw rocks. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.
    As I've said before, I can't think of ANYTHING worse in this world than outliving your child. The Mulfords have been through Hell and back several times over the last decade, so the last thing anyone should be doing is saying bad things about Rob.
    You stone throwers should be ashamed of yourselves! You need some serious introspection.

  7. That is because Day is a spoiled little rich kid. Back in my day, we would have whooped some humility into him on the playground. He is simply padding his resume to pursue being a career criminal, Uh, I mean politician.

  8. When parents choose to divorce the only #1 is themselves. Unless there is abuse the children suffer. People think nothing of tearing apart their family these days.

  9. I rarely, if ever, agree with you Joe. This time is an exception.

  10. I'm sitting here in stunned silence!! It's heartbreaking that some have chosen to go this route. God what has happened to us?? It was always my understanding that Brooke and her Mother moved closer to where she was receiving treatment!! The cost of traveling such a distance is astronomical. Not to mention being sick and getting drugs that make you even sicker to travel such a distance is ridiculous. You take how you felt on the worst day of being ill and multiply that by 1,000. Amy and Rob didn't take divorce lightly and for any of you to criticize either parent is an outrage!! They were still a family. These two just lost their daughter!! So if you don't have anything nice to say just STFU!!

  11. Too bad the first amendment doesn't apply here. Snowflake religious people can't take take it when someone doesn't agree with them.

  12. Hey 7:43 thanks for your wise input. Clearly you have never been divorced but speaking from personal experience when my ex-husband and I decided to divorce we did while consider our son. Our son is and will always be our first priority. While we are not in love with each other we will always love each other in a special way because we have created a beautiful person together. People and situations change over the years so let me ask you this, would you rather grow up as a child with 2 parents in 2 homes that are happy knowing you are loved or in a home where both parents are together but are arguing and aren't the happiest all the time? Now as much as you tell your child you love them when they see and feel the tension and see how their parents are with each other don't you think they might have lots of questions? How do you think they will grow up and think a marriage is supposed to be? Or heck they might not even want to get married. To this day his father and I don't talk bad about each other and my son is just fine. So before you say people are too quick at tearing their families apart you should consider the real life and not just how your life or idea of a perfect marriage is. The real reason of this whole story is that Rob and Amy lost the most precious thing that they could ever have and we need to be thinking about and praying for their family.

  13. I am sure that they didn't take divorce lightly. Have any of you lived through the stress and fear of having a sick child? That can tear even the strongest of marriages apart. Anonymous, for you to imply that they chose themselves over Brooke when they chose to divorce, is cruel and uninformed.

    Let us focus on the beautiful angel Heaven has gained, and send strength to BOTH of her parents, who are undoubtedly, suffering beyond comprehension.

  14. This is no slam on either of the parents, and I do not have much knowledge of the situation, and maybe am wrong to comment, but I am divorced, and though I have sole physical custody with visitation, we have joint legal custody. All medical and educational decisions are made together. Anytime a decision is made we both say that "we" have decided what is best for "our" children. If either of us had to move to be closer to the best medical care one of our children could get it would be a joint decision. I am sure that none of us want to walk a mile in either of these parents shoes. It appears as this was a joint effort, and they did what they had to do to care for their child in the best way they could, and they did a damn fine job of it-both of them. But when all is said and done it really is none of my business-it is theirs. I cannot imagine my child being in another state and in such a state of health at that, being so far away and though helpless in so many ways, at the mercy of physicians, doing everything you can to see that the financial end is covered so that she can get the best care money can buy. As far as the mother, she had to communicate details to the father that their daughter was failing, and though they were not together anymore, this was their child. The mother was giving care to her dying daughter, and was able to do so because of the father's role allowing her to be there. You cannot pass judgement on how she did or did not handle it, and cannot pass judgement on how the father handled it. Both of these parents will now have a completely different life now. What an adjustment..life without your child. The circle of life is not supposed to be like that, and they will need love and support of everyone. Be kind people. The last thing this family needs is to be slandered. They did the a fantastic job, and I could only hope I would have the courage and strength they had if I was ever faced with such a situation.

  15. Mr. Albero: That was an excellent post about the Mulford family. Reading between the lines from your post and also the Daily Times (oops) the father was an active father but just not in the limelight. We need to pray for these parents. Unless you have lost a child (and I have) you have no right to throw stones. By the way, I see no stones that need to be thrown.

  16. Well said...these parents lost a little girl...let them mourn in peace...��

  17. I have known Rob for a very long time. In a few words I would describe him as principled, moral and a True Gentleman. Chances are if you have an issue with Rob its because he called you out on some B.S. you were trying to feed him at some point or just old fashioned jealousy. If you think that kicking a man while he is at his lowest is okay, well, that lets the world know you are a vile human.

  18. I think people see Amy's FB and never see photos including Rob. They wonder "has he been there for his daughter?" Myself included? Then I realize that is Amy's snapshot of her life. And Rob isn't in it anymore. So why would he be in photos. And yes, as a father, I am sure his primary focus was providing for his family. I don't private details of their divorce and I don't want to know. I hope that they can both remember their daughter with love and have respect for each other as she was an amazing person that they created together. God Bless both Rob and Amy. And I hope the Lord gives them peace in their hearts.

  19. I have prayed for this family for all these years. I also pray for the other children in Salisbury and surrounding communities.


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