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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

23,000 potential jihadis in UK, but authorities admit they can't monitor all

The number of potential UK-based terrorists on the radar of the British security services is as high as 23,000, it has emerged.

The figure is more than six times the figure previously released by the Home Office at the time of last month's Manchester bombing.

Then, it was revealed the security services had 500 live investigations into more than 3,000 suspected radical jihadis, including about 400 people who have remarkably been allowed to return to their shores after fighting with terror group Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.



  1. Maybe they shouldn't have let them in...in the first place!

  2. How do you like that?
    They managed to get the magical number 23 in there even though there are thousands of people involved in the story.

    Its like they do "at least 9 killed" . . .

    "At least 11 killed . . . "

    At least 66 killed . . . "

    Or my favorite: 22 killed on May 22 by a 22 year old Muslim . . .

    Got Numerology?


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