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Monday, May 01, 2017

You Won't Believe ANYTHING on Cable News After Seeing THIS!


  1. This guy is presenting a point of view to fit his own agenda. There is NOTHING IN THIS VIDEO to validate what he is saying.
    It is JUST a video that is staged to FIT his narrative.
    Show me some real evidence.
    He is a idiot.

  2. this isnt freedom of speeech...these kinds of lies are acts of terrorism....when your trying to manipulate and coherse people and money with lies...its terrorism!!

  3. I watched it, it increased my awareness of the news media. Everyone has the right to make their own opinion.

  4. This is why it's always a good idea to check sources and verify the content and the context.

  5. Even if you don't believe any of this, in which you should believe of it becasue it most of what this guy says is true, It shows how close minded you all are, and it also shows how damn lazy you are if you don't at least check the sources like 1:35PM said you should do...

    I am starting to think, the govt was right when it said you need the govt in your life becasue you are to stupid to live your own live without their help... I always question how you people can be a live today since you need someone at your side everyday all day telling you when to breathe....

  6. The Palestinians have been doing this for years. Even after being exposed several times they still do it. Claim Israel is killing children and place the child in rubble and in the next picture the same child is scene in the background.


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