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Saturday, May 13, 2017

"You Want To Create A False Narrative" Sarah Sanders Destroys Reporter Over Trump Firing James Comey


  1. She is very good at this.Anyone who can make reporters feel intimidated is OK in my book.

  2. She did a great job.

  3. Truth hurts. Fake MSM hates when people learn the truth.

  4. We need more of this!

    Throw the dumbocrats narrative back in their faces!

    They're showing their true hypocrisy and partisanship with their ramblings!

  5. It must be something to stand and face a room full of lying P.O.S. democrats that are just trying to get Sanders to say anything they can smear her and Trump with.
    I think the President is correct that maybe he needs to have these press briefings one every other week. Screw the lying press!


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