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Friday, May 26, 2017

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

During the past weekend during the spring car Cruise, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office added supplemental patrols to address the many issues that present themselves during the Car Cruise event. Over the weekend the Sheriff’s Office responded to 772 calls for service and made 252 traffic stops. 5 DUI related stops were investigated. There were 19 incidents where citizens complained about traffic problems related to the event.

7 crashes were investigated. The Sheriff’s Office provided assistance to other Law Enforcement agencies 42 times.


  1. 5 DUI's out of 772 calls for service is less than 1%. 5 out of 252 is about 2%. On any given weekend it is plausible that more than 2% of drivers are over the limit of 0.08%. Not that long ago it 0.10%. Which is the real point of impairment vs. the point of revenue collection?

  2. They weren't there for traffic control that's for sure (was none).

  3. Lends to the thought that OCPD wasn't fully staffed...again. Guess it really doesn't matter...just say 150,000 people and 100 LEOs...still can't really enforce much.

    The Darwin's of the world always get caught anyway!

    TGIF TGIF TGIF!!!!!!

  4. 772 calls is an inflated number. Most of that isn't even a call for service.

    1. Did you figure that out from your recliner or tiny desk at work? Shuffle your papers and let the real men carry guns for a living hotshot.

    2. No I figured it out by looking at the call history for the times they are talking about....on mu computer...in my car...

  5. 7:58 Exactly. Take out the "checks" of Wawa or Royal Farms or drive-throughs of the outlets and what is the real number? I'd like to see the actual number of called in complaints instead of all the puffed up numbers they put out to beg for more dollars from the county commissioners.

  6. 8:31 real men carry the guns? former marine here so sit down and take notes. If you were any kind of real man you wouldn't have to run your mouth like that. You are part of the problem just some whiny little revenue agent for the state, and I'm sure if the shooting ever did start you would be pissing your pants and hiding, tough guy!
    now piss off!


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