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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Wicomico Sheriff To Seek Grant For Crime Camera

SALISBURY – Officials in Wicomico County will allow the Wicomico County’s Sherriff’s Office to seek grant funding for a $17,035 portable surveillance camera.

In last week’s meeting of the Wicomico County Council, Lt. Rich Wiersberg and 1st Sgt. Mark Wagner approached councilmembers seeking approval to submit an application and receive grant funds, if chosen, that would pay for a high definition camera that will monitor crime activity in needed areas.

Wiersberg said the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention was accepting white paper applications with a two-page narrative and budget requirement between $15,000 and $200,000 to fund certain projects that target opioids and violent crimes.

“We quickly sat down with the sheriff and went over some needs,” he said. “It’s been on our goal list for quite some time when this came up. We are just waiting for Mr. Culver’s (Bob, county executive) signature and your approval to make it formal.”

He explained that the $17,035 the sheriff’s office has requested will be used to purchase a surveillance camera and its various components.



  1. Didn't they just get 2 "parade" Harleys?

    1. Those harley's, just like the ones in Worcester county, spend more time out of county and state than they do in the county. Both agencies played it up like they would be used for enforcement but all they so is ride in parades and special events.

  2. You can get it on amazon for a fraction of the price.

    1. Really? How can you possibly know the model, specs, etc. from the information provided?

  3. 17 grand for some camera equipment?

  4. HD trail cams are under $200. Those Harleys could have paid for many cams. Time for a sheriff that has the right priorities.

  5. I suggested this last week on one of the blogs.
    A simple deer camera at the entrance to each neighborhood will help catch - or at least document- people or vehicles coming and going.
    so, when something does happen, they at least get a photo or video.
    But, since this is a government request, it will cost 100 times more.

  6. Rich is worthless

  7. They don't work they have them all around Baltimore city people still get shoot and robbed

  8. They should spend their time trying to get a grant to paint the cars that have paint peeling off of them. Embarrassing!!! But hey, baker got a new truck!!!

    1. You people (if it really is more than one person) amaze me. The sheriffs office is doing a decent job while SPD continues to deny there is a problem. Now you want to criticize another effort to get more help using monies that are not tax dollars. Seems like a strong bias against the sheriffs office.

    2. WHILE mikey mouse drives around in a brand new unit it should be the Other way around if he where a Real Sherrif.

    3. Not tax dollars ?? And where might these dollars come from, the Dollar Store?

  9. Next, they will be asking for funding for more Deputy's to watch and monitor all of the cameras.

    1. I know right time for them to get on the street and do there DAMN JOB.

  10. Good work Sheriff's Office!!!! Apply for the grant, anything to cut down on crime....get it done!!!

  11. Set up a $17,000 camera that I'm sure will be obvious to anybody in the area and when it gets vandalized or destroyed because no officer was watching it they will say "well at least it was a grant that payed for it"!

  12. The TOP COP gets the vehicle he chooses!!! Dry those tears.....

    1. He should be in a power wheels!

    2. A real Sheriff would take the old veh and let his STREET COPS have the newer veh but then again look at who we are dealing with ? a ego maniac.

    3. 104
      I bet ur a brown nose Lt ??

  13. Crisfield police just locked up 40 plus people with NO CAMERA. Heck they don't even have a tenth of the personnel the Sheriff's department has. Make fun of Crisfield all you want but they got took drug dealers off the street. I wonder how many are roaming in Salisbury and Wicomico County while we wait for cameras.

  14. What happened to the Captain who normally is at council begging for money?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They don't work they have them all around Baltimore city people still get shoot and robbed

    May 12, 2017 at 11:26 AM

    WTF is 'shoot and robbed?'

  16. Anonymous said...
    Crisfield police just locked up 40 plus people with NO CAMERA. Heck they don't even have a tenth of the personnel the Sheriff's department has. Make fun of Crisfield all you want but they got took drug dealers off the street. I wonder how many are roaming in Salisbury and Wicomico County while we wait for cameras.

    May 12, 2017 at 1:35 PM

    "but they got took drug dealers off the street."

    WTF did you just say??

  17. Once you buy one, you'll be stuck with buying more and replacing the whole lot in just a few years as the technology advances.

  18. Does little mikey need a grant for clogs ? by the way when is the next sheriff election bc he has to GO.

  19. A Grant is Taxpayers Money.

    They should never have been
    allowed to spend the "drug
    money" on those motor cycles!
    Boys & Their Toys" while the
    people of Salisbury endure
    more crime. The "drug money"
    should have been used to fight
    the crime in our areas!!!

  20. They have four motorcycles they paid tax dollars for. Only two are in operation. The last two are in the garage. There is no need for motor cycles. They said the motorcycles are badly needed. Ha. For parades and events because in wicomico we have so many? It need to feed Mikey's ego.

  21. This is very interesting to me. They can allegedly buy Harley's with drug money and then file for a grant for cameras to fight crime. REALLY? IF fighting crime was so important, why wouldn't they use the drug money for the cameras instead? I'd bet good money they want to place these cameras in DRUG neighborhoods.

  22. Joe, That is a great comment .I agree 100%. Every time I look at Pac 14 Bucky Richardson is on there begging for money for something and getting smart with every council member for challenging him.

    Hats off to Marc Kilmer! He asks simple questions mostly in favor of the taxpayer.

    1. I have never seen Richardson get smart with anyone at council . Put yourself in his shoes.

  23. Sounds like a short-cut to beat cops and with a town this size there's no excuse for it. Why are they seeking cameras when many county sheriffs only pull people for driving infractions rather than fighting real crime like gangs? Aren't the unconstitutional cameras under the guise of being near schools enough?

  24. Sheriff Lewis has always known how to make funds work, he goes after grants which save money why can't this city, SPD, and all Wicomico County offices try to cut expenses. Maybe they could listen to Sheriff Lewis or contact the Community Foundation --winner winner chicken dinner.


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