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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Why has the left gotten so violent?

Tea Party protests from the right were largely peaceful a few years ago. But unrest from the left, from Berkeley to May Day protests in Oregon, has been marked violence. Tucker takes on immigrant activist Jose Antonio Varga


  1. Hebron VFD MemberMay 3, 2017 at 6:58 PM

    Letter to the editor

    Hebron’s Drunken Fire Chief
    When no one else will take action including MSP it’s time for SBYnews to do what it does best making the public aware. Every time the fire whistle blows atop Hebron firehouse not only are the members putting their lives in danger, the fire chief puts other motorist in danger. Our fire chief is under the influence of alcohol most every single day, every single call. If Chief Beach isn’t drinking beer at the firehouse or carnival grounds you can bet he is across the street at his home drinking away. When the alarm sounds Beach jumps in fire apparatus including ambulances or command vehicle drunk then drives to the scene. Beach has been so drunk at times when talking on the radio his words are slurred and he has also passed out in the fire truck with his foot on the siren. How in this day and time can such be happening and the fire company do nothing about it? His drinking is so bad he has seizures and was recently hospitalized again to dry out. Fact is he runs the show so the fire company allows it and will do nothing. It’s time we put a stop to this before this man hurts someone innocent.
    Thank you
    Hebron VFD Member

  2. Because the Tea Party folks are patriots. The left however is lead by a Nazi sympathizer and a Communist. The history of both are rife with this type of violence in the beginning. The purges will come later. We who ignore history are damned by it.

  3. Self-righteous tantrums. And more and more of the snowflakes who have never been told 'no' have become involved.

  4. Hillary and Obama are behind it with their Demon-crats !!!

  5. they will get what they deserve when the civil war starts. They are outnumbered by real constitutionsl patriots

  6. Thank you
    Hebron VFD Member

    May 3, 2017 at 6:58 PM

    If true, it doesn't surprise me. He was always immature in high school and he hasn't changed.

  7. Very simple, Liberalism is a MENTAL disease.

  8. It's called socialism.

  9. And socialism is mob rule. There are no individual liberties in a socialist country.

  10. The Democrats do not believe in the Bill of Rights, the 1st ten amendments to the Constitution, in which our founding fathers guaranteed our individual rights over the majority. In the Democrats socialist minds, they believe the US Constitution is unconstitutional. I apologize for the absurdity of that comment, but it's true.


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