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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Who Defines What Is Racist?

Students demand firing of Evergreen State professor. Police chief urges him to stay off campus for his safety. Supporters say he’s the one upholding principles of equity.

In the heated debates of campus politics these days, it is not unusual for some groups (on or off campus) to demand the firing of a faculty member. But the rancor at Evergreen State College over the last week stands out. There, a professor whom some students want fired was told by the campus police chief that, out of concern for his safety, he should stay off campus for a few days. He did, teaching a class nearby in Olympia, Wash., and is not sure when he can return to campus.

The professor's critics say he's racist, and groups of students have been holding demonstrations -- sometimes turning into marches across campus and impromptu searches for the professor. They have been chanting that racist professors must be fired. Bret Weinstein (right), a biology professor, is the main target and is the faculty member who moved his class off campus. "Fire Bret" graffiti is visible on campus. But students are also demanding the dismissals of one or more police officers, that the campus police sell off all of its weapons and various other policy changes.

The debate over Weinstein has become particularly intense. He and his supporters say that he's not a racist and is standing up for principles of equity. The president of Evergreen State, George Bridges, says Weinstein's job is not in danger. But Weinstein says Bridges has not taken the kind of public stand that is required when a professor's right to speak out is under attack. Weinstein's student critics, meanwhile, say his public defense is shifting attention away from their grievances.

Why is Weinstein so controversial?



  1. Racism is anything that the Fascist left decides it is, If the media wasn't a willing accomplice no one would ever notice.

  2. Lets see;
    If you force others to include one of your race as a "Token", than you're a Racist.
    If you have to have you're own TV network
    If you have to have you're own Miss. America Pageant
    If you have to have you're own Entertainment awards show
    If you have to have you're own Colleges of College fund
    If you have to have you're own Music Awards
    If you have to have you're own graduation ceremonies

    1. Please understand that all these things exist because African Americans where not allowed historical to attend white colleges ,graduations etc and not represented on main stream television

  3. It's "your own", not "you're own", but we get your point.

  4. I have an idea.. let's have a "Day of Absence" for white people!

    For one day we don't work, pay taxes, make purchases (gas/groceries/cars/homes/etc...), and in the case of all these "students" we won't have any white teachers either

    And let's see how that works out!

    Oh... and no white police officers, emergency responders, correctional officers, or military personnel either

    The whole world would be in chaos!

  5. 10:47 has said a mouth full! We all get what is the point, that "Race" hates whites and is the biggest group of "Racist" on the planet!

  6. 10:47, AMEN! We bend we bend and now we are about to break. Get ready.(map)

  7. 1054 you are incorrect.

    BET Network was started in 1979. By this point there had been many shows on major network television which featured black actors.

    The Jeffersons (1975-1985)
    Sanford & Son (1972-1977)
    Good Times (1974-1979)
    What's Happening (1976-1979)
    Flip Wilson Show (1970-1974)
    Sammy Davis Jr. Show (1966-1973)

    All dominantly black casts. All on major networks because there was no cable in the 1970s. You had 6 channels to watch.


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