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Sunday, May 28, 2017

What's Happening? 5-25-17

Let everyone know what is happening in the area.  The good, the bad and the ugly!


  1. Anybody hear about the accident yesterday morning on rte 50 east just past Wor Wic?? Saw it from West 50. Looked bad but havent heard a word??

  2. Question??? Where in Salisbury (or close by) can I buy a bushel basket w/ lid for crabbing?? Help me out bloggers!

  3. SBY airport sucks!! They should shut that place down.

  4. Try How Sweet it is or any of the local produce stands....they will probably sell one especially if you happen to buy something while you are there.

  5. Caroline St. comfort station still housing about a dozen "homeless" and all of their worldly possessions. These precious darlings are harassing passersby constantly and for some reason, the mayor and city council have allowed this for years.

  6. When I'm approached by bum/homeless/beggars in Salisbury, I offer them a free ride to OC (in the back of the pickup). I tell them they will make bank in OC.

  7. Rain, rain go away, come again another day.

  8. Why are there so many people hanging out by both sides of the doors at WaWa by PRMC every single morning? I can't believe management lets them just stand there in everyone's way blowing smoke when you walk by and some even asking for money. So ghetto. I feel like I'm in downtown DC or standing in the yard at ECI. It's just rude.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The good , we had some sunshine today.
    The Bad , Calvin Krause (aka CR)
    The ugly , Calvin has 46 violations on his record , the lastest is , DWI, speeding 81 in a 50 ,driving on a suspended lic. , failure to have an interlock on his vehicle while driving and on and on . He is a county manager in charge of the children of the Westside Community , What an example he sets for the kids. Same charges as last year with drug violations also. Thanks
    to our human resources dept. ain't it great.

  11. 3:49, they won't go because they live at Wood Creek Golf Community! They have bus fare, but make bank here every day without having to travel!

  12. 6:27 Guessing you didn't know his dad. Nonetheless, CR was an outstanding athlete at SU, dedicated to the community and is a good father even though he has some alcohol issues. Thanks for being a busy body. It is easy to be perfect when you are anonymous.

    1. 7:11 What does his father have to do with it? What does him bring a good athlete in college have to do with it? And 46 violations is considered "some alcohol issues" ??? I don't know this guy but apparently you must be related to him!

  13. Really no need to bash C.R. He will self destruct in due time anyway.

  14. Ever notice while shopping, people block the isles to chat and hold others up. Lots of times it is the employees. A very rude society we exist in.

  15. 4:01
    Alcohol use disorder (AUD) often seems to run in families, and we may hear about scientific studies of an “alcoholism gene.” Research shows that genes are responsible for about half of the risk for AUD. Therefore, genes alone do not determine whether someone will develop AUD. Environmental factors, as well as gene and environment interactions account for the remainder of the risk. (NIH-NIAAA)

    I'm not related to him nor am I nosey enough to pull his MD judiciary records, but doubt that he has 46 alcohol violations. Sounds like someone has a personal grudge with him and is using this blog to further their agenda.


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