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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Warning to Libtards


  1. The libs are going to get there snowflake war.

    1. Jeremy Christian has already started it. "That's what Liberalism gets you" he told the cops after his arrest. He described himself as a "Patriot"

  2. Oh, he's just getting started alright. He's triggering Liberals all over the place and it's hilarious to watch them flounder like a bunch of fish out of water. They are going to extremes and it's only galvanizing his base and growing it! Let them keep out pacing themselves, by the end of this, there'll never be another Democrat elected anywhere in America. Good riddance. The party is just BS and has been for a seriously long time.

  3. Drain the rest of the swamp including jail time for Hillary.

  4. He has not done anything other than executive orders. Getting things through congress is whole different thing and he has not had any success with that.

  5. LOCK HER UP!!!! (map)


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