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Monday, May 22, 2017

US Federal Prison Prepares For “23 High Security Political Defendants”

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has ordered the Federal Bureau of Prisons to prepare for an intake of 23 “high security political defendants” in the coming months.

According to a Foreign Intelligence Service report, the Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia are preparing to receive a number of high-ranking government and former government employees – one of whom is believed to be Hillary Clinton.

According to the report, following James Comey’s firing from the Bureau, a number of FBI agents and DOJ prosecutors obtained testimony from Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina that confirms Hillary Clinton’s criminality.

Whatdoesitmean.com reports: Prime Minister Hasina testified to the FBI and the US Justice Department, this report explains, that in 2011 then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called her office demanding that Muhammad Yunus be restored to his role as chairman of the Bangladesh’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank—but who had been paid between $100,000 and $250,000to the Clinton Global Initiative, with Yunus himself personally giving between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation website too.



  1. Oh please let it finally be true!!!!!

  2. Al Sharpton
    Eric Holder.

  3. We can only hope.

  4. We can only hope...

  5. OMG, let this be true - Hillary there really is room for you.

  6. In my wildest dreams!

  7. All speculation.


  8. Aren't all dreams speculation?

  9. That would be a "national holiday" of celebration. Make sure they get the same accommodations, living conditions and food, as a normal convict. No special privileges or changes in policies for special accommodations.

  10. O how i would love to see Hillary rotting in a cell!

  11. When Hillary gets out of jail she can join Martha and Snoop Dog to sell her wares. Hahaha


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